"Decoration of the beautiful" in the Tretyakov Gallery
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MOSCOW. From December 19 to March 3, 2013, the Tretyakov Gallery will host an exhibition of kitsch and elitism in contemporary art. The gap between high and decorative arts has never been so vast as in the twentieth century. However, this century expanded and deepened it, referring to the "under" art all manifestations of creativity that find their manifestation in everyday life.
The formed concepts of “kitsch” (mass culture) and “elitism” (culture for the elite) emphasized the difference. Since it is more difficult to understand the content and aesthetics of works of high art than a simple and uncomplicated decoration of everyday life.
However, despite the categorical rejection by the culture of the “avant-garde” of all mass manifestations, art proved impossible to completely isolate from modern realities and people. Therefore, mass culture began to be rethought by artists who began to draw in it, if not inspiration, then the answer to the question: “Where is the world going”.
The exhibition contains works written from the 1920s to the present. The exposition is divided into 8 extensive sections, including kitsch in its classical form, absolute avant-garde, and artists’ attempts to return to the past - ancient times, the Stone Age.
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