The value of the female image in the works of artists Automatic translate
At all times artists have admired the natural beauty of women. Woman for the artist became not only a part of his work, but also a source of inspiration. A muse. Since time immemorial, the female image is displayed on many works of famous creators of painting. Because the magical, natural beauty of women has always stirred the minds of artists. Excited their souls beautiful impulses.
In his paintings, the artist seeks to convey not only the female image, but also to reveal her soul, reflect her essence. And this succeeds only true masters of their craft. Suffice it to remember Dzhokonda, Mona Lisa, or well-known to all the Girl not a balloon Picasso. How much in these paintings of grace, and spirituality. After all, a woman’s charm, her state of mind, plus the talent of the painter, can truly create miracles and give birth to immortal works that people admire for centuries. And all thanks to the fact that these works of art not only clearly marked, but also revealed the subtle world of female sensuality.
To illustrate this, we can consider paintings by Picasso. In many of them one can see nudes. But the erotic meaning of these works is hidden behind women’s mental experiences. Above all, we see an image that takes complete possession of our thoughts. It makes us not only see, but also feel the energy of the artistic intent. Its background. Without this, the picture will remain just an image, having nothing to do with an artistic masterpiece.
Of Russian artists, the works of Karl Bryullov should be noted. In his works the female image also occupies a high position. Here women are represented in different types. There are both aspiring, powerful natures, as in the painting “Horsewoman”. And a caring mother, as in the portrait of Princess Elena Petrovna with her daughter Maria, and “Mother awakened by the crying of a child”. And there are romantic, dreamy individuals depicted in the portraits of U.M.Smirnova, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. Everywhere the artist managed to convey the true value of the female soul. Found its place in the paintings of Brullov and carefree wind beauties. This is clearly reflected in the paintings “The Bacchic Group”, and “The Merry Return”. Everywhere the female image is presented as some element without which it is impossible to convey the true intention of the artist.
In the works of contemporary artists, the woman has also found a worthy place. After all, it is the search for the ideal nature, makes modern masters again and again turn to the poetic beauty of women. Encourages them to stimulate the creation of perfect in its beauty, and spiritualization of the masterpiece. But, as we know, the limit of perfection does not exist. Which means that painters will have to resort again and again to the search for new beautiful female embodiments.
Author: ProsTetskiy
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