The image of Alexander Nevsky in Russian history and culture
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Despite the high Russian award - the Order of Alexander Nevsky, established by Peter I, the pantheon of Russian glory of his name - the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg, many know the Grand Duke only from the film of Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein. And outwardly they represent Alexander as his actor Nikolai Konstantinovich Cherkasov played. Alexander Nevsky was young, beautiful, well-built, with a sonorous voice.
The film "Alexander Nevsky" was shot very timely, on the eve of the war and really raised the morale of the soldiers. They watched their ancestors beat the Germans, and they themselves beat the enemies no worse than the Novgorodians. Who did not recall the biblical dictum, rephrased and put into the mouth of the Russian prince: “And whoever comes into us with a sword will die from the sword!” It’s worth it, and the Russian land will stand! ”

So many films on Russian history, how many were shot under Stalin, did not appear in all subsequent times, not to mention the present, anti-patriotic time. It’s like that. Yes, just do not redraw history at its discretion. Prince Alexander turned out to be a grunt: this is how he gave it to the teeth that the Swedes, the Germans, so they no longer stuck on Russian soil! And why did you meddle - it was left overs. The relations of the Grand Duke, that with Byzantium, that with the Horde, remained in the shade, as if something shameful, which should not be said. And because of this, rumors began to circulate that the prince is not as good as the film tells about him. He de subservient to the Tatars and himself executed his subjects with unprecedented cruelty, which the khans never dreamed of.
Lies or half-truths are truly a breeding ground for the creation of the darkest rumors and dirty gossip. And then it becomes all the more difficult to tell about the true greatness of Alexander Yaroslavich, underestimated and misunderstood neither by contemporaries, nor, what is especially bitter, by us, distant descendants. You need to know that initially the scenario was different, then everything "superfluous" was removed from it. Neither the terrible end of Alexander Nevsky’s life, nor other events that allegedly are not related to his glorious feat and detract from his significance are visible in the film.
This is how a lie is born, and from it ignorance and contempt for native history grow, agitation turns into its opposite, becomes counter-propaganda. People begin to argue: “So, not so Alexander and the hero, if something begged from the Mongols, fawned before them!” And if they find out that neither the yoke nor the Horde disappeared after the Battle of Kulikovo, then they will wave their hand at the Russian history - they say, all lies, in fact, we had nothing heroic, here in the West - there is another matter!
In reality, Russian history completely refutes the critical opinion of the famous philosopher Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadayev and the bleak picture painted by him.
Natalya Abdullaeva
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