Sergey Fateev:
"Novinsky sit-round gathering" in the gallery "On Novinsky"
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On November 29, the vernissage of the Novinsky sit-round gathering exhibition was held.
This exhibition is a pilot version of the future "Novinsky sit-round gathering" as a start for the discovery of new unknown names in art. Most of the works reflected the sunny Crimea, the middle strip of Russia, Moscow courtyards. Much has been embodied from plein air joint trips to our vast homeland. With a dozen artists for the first time demonstrate their painting on this site.
I asked the participants and organizers the question - “Why did the organizers decide to immediately put up forty authors and why is the name“ Novinsky sit-round gathering ”so called?”
Vyacheslav Korolenkov , artist, exhibitor:
- The light and not very serious name of the exhibition indicates that we are participants glad to communicate with each other. We do not see each other often and the exhibition is a great occasion to get together and see each other’s work. We feel good and have fun together. And, of course, this joyful mood is passed on to the audience, visitors to the exhibition, who become our friends. The name speaks of tolerance in our relations, the equality of all authors. All works are interesting. They express inner peace, despite the tectonic changes in our life today. In the works of joy, light. Bato carefully selected them. There are many new names that deliberately allocated more space for works than famous authors. In my opinion, this is absolutely wonderful, because for beginners it is a significant event in life, and for some this exhibition is the first in life. Good luck to everyone!
Bato Dugarzhapov , artist, organizer of the exhibition:
- At first it was thirty-seven, but we invited more authors to have forty participants. The number forty itself has a magical meaning. The name somehow immediately came to someone from the exhibitors. I want to note our oldest author Olga Mikhailova from Ryazan. She is exhibited for the first time. She wrote works for herself. I want to wish the gallery of bold projects.
Sergey Fateev - “What do you expect from the exhibition?”
Maria Podueva , artist, exhibitor:
- I am very worried that I am on an equal footing with my teachers. I am very interested in such an experience. Most likely, I realize everything after the exhibition, when I will summarize its results. I want to achieve the goals that I set for myself by participating in this exhibition
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