Igor Dryomin:
Marina Leizhold "LOOK AROUND"
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The presented works reflect the real perception and its reflection of sensations, observations of the illusory nature of the world around us.
In the works “Heat” and “Live with a smile”, green appears as additional to red. Between red and green, a functionally complex shade arises optically, balancing the audience’s perception. The triptych “Live with a smile” carries the communicative meaning of a modern person, plays a conceptual role, and is not literally perceived as a portrait. For the first time the work was exhibited in Moscow in the gallery "A3" at the exhibition "Elements of the Future" under the name "Game of Color". A new life-affirming meaning was made in the gallery “On Kashirka” in Marina Leishold’s project “Fly ’the bird!” In 2013, as a call to a lifestyle - “Live with a smile!”. With its positive beginning, work revived the Art of Today project in the Tushino exhibition hall of Moscow.
And in 2015, in the Moscow Union of Artists at the exhibition "Socialist Realism" the work was presented under the title "Forward to the victory of Communism!" The exclusivity of the painting, originating in Russia, was the continuation of the world tour, was successful in Spain in the center of Madrid at Atoch 34, in Germany, in Berlin… There is a certain moment of centrifugality, according to Newton, who first coined this term, doing mechanics. Look around you! And you will see a non-existent physical reality created by the brain…
Marina Leyzgold - author of the projects: Abstract Intelligence, Movement in Space, Marina Leyzgold and Pupils, ART-SPRING, Fly ’the bird!… Active representative of the workshops. Participant in charity auctions, scientific conferences and interesting meetings. Projects are presented in Russia and abroad. At the Festival of Arts in France received the Grand Prix.
The exhibition was held from August 28 to September 2, 2015 in the hall of the "TLC of Russia" on Lavrushinsky Lane 15.
- Method as a depiction of the real: solo exhibition by Marina Leizgold
- Personal exhibition of artist Marina Leisgold "Image, stain, color"
- Anniversary exhibition of Marina Leishold "LOOK AROUND"
- Igor Dryomin: Maxim Kireev. Bw. Favorite
- Solo exhibition of photographer Valentin Nikolaevich Sidyakin "Empireia Watercolors"
- Marianna Kornilova: Insight. The inner light of the sudden insight of Leonid Theodore.
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Возможно я слабо разбираюсь в трендах современного изобразительного искусства, но "мастерство" исполнения, темы, подача, образы вызывают лёгкое недоумение. Зачем? О чём? Для кого?
Разобраться просто: что на стене висит – у НИХ искусство. Чтобы разбираться должен быть предмет, а тут пустота и мошенничество с выраженным национальным акцентом.
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