Maria Santi:
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Zvyagintsev’s film has not yet been released, and I have not watched it. But the discussion on the net directly charged. It is surprising that some people who use the concepts of “spirituality”, “Truth” and “artist” do not know art history at all. I would like to introduce them to her a little.
Vasily Perov. "Janitor giving the apartment to the lady." 1865.
A drunk ignoramus is rude to noble women. The impoverished noblemen hire the cheapest rooms. The daughter turns away from indecent scratching, and the mother is forced to maintain a conversation.
Ilya Repin. "Protodeacon." 1877.
Swollen from alcoholism, shabby and prone to hysteria, the clergyman looks at the viewer, full of the sin of pride.
William Hogarth. "Orgy". From the Mota Career Series. 1732-35.
Prostitutes with traces of syphilis on their face clean the coot.
Vasily Vereshchagin. Shipka Sheinovo. Skobelev near Shipka. " 1878-79.
The winner on a white horse rides in front of those who survived. Unselected corpses of the warriors who secured the victory lie in the foreground.
Bruegel. "The Parable of the Blind." 1568.
Ugly cripples get smeared in the mud after their leader.
Hans Holbein. "Dead Christ." 1521-22.
Hematomas, cuts and, most importantly, lack of care for the dead.
Titian. The Punishment of Marcia. 1570s
Tear off the skin alive, and the dog pats the blood. Spectators are indifferent to the tragedy. But Marsyos suffers from the arbitrariness of the authorities. He played better than Apollo.
Pavel Fedotov. "Fresh Cavalier." 1847.
The civil servant who received the order lives in a mess. Dressing gown dran, guitar upset, boots asking for repair. And his maid is pregnant.
Vladimir Makovsky. "Lodging house". 1889.
Well-worn artists, children, people of the noble estate freeze among the mansions.
Victor Vasnetsov. "From apartment to apartment." 1876.
Beggars old men wander on the ice of the Neva.
Gustave Courbet. "Afternoon rest in Ornan." 1849.
A musician rapes an instrument, people pretend to listen. In fact, they are bored and just waiting to die.
Of all the above artists, it was Courbet who was hated the most during his lifetime.
Who wants to hear even more stories from the author of the article, come to the lecture-discussion "Pirates, robbers and adventurers in art" on Monday, February 23 at 19-00. The price and venue can be found in the group of the author and by phone +7 (968) 434-24-61.
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