Igor Dryomin:
Anatoly Brusilovsky, "About This"
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An artist, sculptor, photographer, jeweler, exhibition curator, author of books, collector, designer, the first author of collages in Russia and the founder of a new direction in world art - body art, a secular lion and a mischievous inventor, the first Russian Dadaist,… This is not a crowd of people, all this is one person - Anatoly Brusilovsky. Arriving in Moscow with only one suitcase, he very quickly conquered the capital, and then the world. Today, presenting a series of erotic drawings and collages, he tells “about this” - about the beauty and delights of life in every manifestation, about unlimited fantasies, about love, about complete freedom expressed in creativity, which not only makes you experience something extraordinary, close to ecstatic, state, but also leads to victory over time and space, directing the thought embodied in images into eternity. Happy from childhood, full of love and beauty, Brusilovsky lives brightly, with taste, choosing love, admiration, joy, ready to share them with relatives, friends and just free people, open to new experiences.
"Why so skillfully / Lips caress the coral? / O abyss of bliss" (hereinafter from Ruboko Shaw). So, “About This” is about the art of being free and being free in art! Flexible, winding lines swiftly sweep through the paper, forming dynamic, fantasy drawings that, when they arise, populate a sheet of paper like a new planet, creating their own special microcosm, their environment. “Hips are trembling / The camp trembles”, “Again on the hips / I run my lips / Caressing your camp”, Brusilovsky’s drawings are frankly sexy and refined, artistically beautiful. Men and women enthusiastically participate passionately in acts of love. Hands, feet, bodies bizarrely intertwine, as if in a fight, lovers caress each other, "Only a hand can easily find / A place for joyful meetings." Like the Japanese erotic engraving of the Edo era, certain details of human bodies are exaggerated - “So the jade trunk is heavy / In the beloved’s fingers”, like the ancient Chinese erotic graphics, the places of intercourse are open - “The wind caresses the lips / Dark scarlet gap”. Faces are desertedly white, only a mouth with open mouths is present on them. The figures in the drawings are entangled in many snares, fixed on poles, stakes, however, huge sexual energy frees lovers, bonds are torn, stakes are pulled out of the ground. Liberty!
Brusilovsky’s collages combine at first glance, it would seem incompatible. In the lower part are lovers engaged in mutual enjoyment (fragments of Chinese prints), in the upper part are the leaders of the revolutionary and Soviet past. Such a construction resembles the principles of iconography, when in the upper part of the icon, as if in the fourth dimension, there are scenes in heaven, in contrast to the plot in the three-dimensional space in the center. In general, such an incredible combination causes an allusion with the surreal works of the Dadaists, and on the other hand, how to really realize the unrealistic, monstrous actions of the heroes of Brusilovsky’s collages.
The exhibition also presents works from the cycles “Zodiac Signs” and “Chinese Horoscope”. These large format drawings on paper are saturated with color, they are poetic and, of course, erotic. There are also wonderful drawings from the “Puty” series, several of which were published in the famous Metropol Almanac (1979).
A lot has been written about Brusilovsky Anatolia. Therefore, we will not describe his workshop, included in the list of the best houses in the world, his work in various fields of art. He lives in Cologne and Moscow, works in the famous Gallery of Gmurzhinsk (Switzerland) and is firmly on the list of the first artists of the 20th century. Every moment of his life he turns into art, and art into his living space. He was always and is free, and about this is his exhibition.
Irina Filatova
The exhibition opened on March 9 at the Fine Art Gallery www.galleryfineart.ru
Curators - Irina Filatova, Marina Obraztsova.
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