Travel sim card for internet in Europe
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Always stay in touch - to be able to contact the right subscriber by phone, or vice versa to give others the opportunity to contact you, use the Internet services - find the site you need, use the useful application, be in the know about the news or get any operational information…

Probably I will not be mistaken if I note that the vast majority of us are already accustomed not to deny ourselves these pleasures and feel very uncomfortable in isolation from the outside world, limiting ourselves only to the “visual-tactile-olfactory” perception of reality. Being “in touch” is not only convenient, but also much safer than being completely isolated from civilization. Especially when traveling and trips to different countries - to various near and far edges. In the end, many of us simply work on the Internet and do not want to stop working even on the road. Naturally, the simplest thing is to find special offers, special packages, special tariffs for tourists and travelers roaming on the site of their mobile operator.
The most favorable conditions for mobile Internet in Europe are with OrangeSIM. Internet packages are valid throughout the EU, all incoming calls are free, the distribution is allowed in full. Official OrangeSIM website:
However, these proposals may not always fully satisfy our needs or requirements. And, perhaps, far from always our capabilities can be commensurate with the proposals of the "native" operator or his colleagues in the shop - other mobile operators serving our region. You can of course not change anything at all, or just by choosing the lowest tariff that allows you to use international roaming, limit yourself to correspondence with friends and relatives via sms.
You can even go further - to print texts not in the Cyrillic alphabet, familiar to most, but in Latin letters. Then at one time you can send not 70 signs and symbols, but as many as 160, which is naturally much more profitable. In general, it is possible that for many, given the general enumeration pandemic, nothing more is needed. The spoken language, in the last few years, has been successfully replaced by an illiterate “sms-en”, “vacancy” and other IT achievements.
However, taking into account, nevertheless, some inferiority and limitations of such a connection, it makes sense to look for offers from mobile operators specializing in international roaming. These include, for example, OrangeSIM, Goodline, GSM-Travel, Simtravel, Orange, T-mobile, etc. These operators offer fairly favorable rates and conditions. Significant price differences are only in the countries from which you will get in touch. For example, the first of them offers free incoming calls from mobile phones, via Skype or directly from their website in as many as 149 countries of the world. Naturally in the most popular countries, the most popular tourist destinations.
At the same time, you can use mobile Internet at a price of one dollar a day from almost any country, and a minute of an outgoing call to the Russian Federation will cost half a dollar. They also offer a very convenient service for saving your home number. The truth is not free. The Good Line service has generally advanced very well compared to the years when they first appeared on this market. However, this is natural. Perhaps the most powerful company - the mobile operator in Europe (and not only), of course, is the well-known British Vodafon, of which we receive greetings every time we land at any European airport. However, the most powerful, but not the most profitable.
Almost every country has its own mobile operators with no less high-quality services, but at more favorable rates. If we are talking about accessing the Internet and only about local calls within the host country, then in many countries it makes sense to pay attention to the proposals of Orange.
At their Go Europe tariff, they offer to pay only 1 euro per hour, though only for local calls or for 100 Mb of mobile Internet. As for international calls, in Spain, for example, Orange offers special, especially favorable, tariffs for calls to Russia.
Particularly advantageous in comparison with other countries, of course. It should be noted that if you do not have an open bank account in the host country, then you can use the tariffs of only the prepaid payment system (prepaid). This can be significantly more expensive than Aboriginal postpaid rates. But all the same, it’s more profitable than using international roaming from any Russian mobile operator! Conditions and tariffs of different operators in different countries, as well as a list of states where a foreigner, without additional requests and additional documents, can not use a local SIM card, you can see and choose before leaving on the Wikia the home of fandom website. While traveling around Europe, in order to save money, you will have to buy a SIM card in each country, or if you are constantly on the move, use the compact mobile router, which is described below.
True, we must admit that the European authorities are working on this and in the near future the solution to this issue will be greatly simplified. In the meantime, in Europe, as in the USA, in each country and in every state there are their own original SIM cards. If you just need access to the Internet (which is quite possible, since there are already quite a lot of different mobile applications for communication), then when traveling across Europe, associated with the constant movement from country to country, you can think about purchasing a compact mobile Wi-Fi router Comfort Way. This device has already installed a European SIM card from a European mobile operator, which allows you to simultaneously go to the Internet with up to ten connected to it via Wi-Fi, devices at a reasonable price for conditions of constant travel.
Although, frankly, at a less profitable than using a SIM card of local operators. However, if each of the ten users “has a conscience”, then it can turn out to be very profitable and inexpensive. The balance of all operators, as well as for the last “device”, is usually replenished without problems via the Internet on their home sites. In conclusion, I would like to note that the most suitable and safe place to purchase a local SIM card in any country is a company store selling mobile phones or the office of a mobile operator. And at the very, very last, recommend using the services of the operator Lebara.
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