Those who go to Peter for the first time
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What is St. Petersburg for a tourist? Where to go, where to spend the night and what to see? Perhaps these questions are the most frequent among visitors to the cultural capital of our vast homeland. We will try to reveal this topic from the point of view of an ordinary traveler.
It doesn’t matter how you arrive in the city. There are no problems with public transport in the city, especially when it comes to airports or railway stations. The first thing to do is find a place to sleep.
If you are not going to spend four days in four walls, then the best option would be a hostel. It is tolerant in price and in comfort - ideal for an overnight stay. Usually in such systems there is a common kitchen and a sanitary unit. Finding mini-hotels is not difficult - there are many similar accommodation offers on the Internet in the public domain. The price for a bed is from 400 rubles and above.
If on the first day you arrive early and are not tired at all, start the planned program or get comfortable. You will need a good Guide to St. Petersburg . We recommend a ride on the subway, understand how it works and learn how to navigate it. This will be especially useful for those who do not have such a transport in their small homeland. After that you can stroll along Nevsky Prospect - one of the most famous avenues in Russia. He will be beautiful both during the day in the sun and at night in the dazzling illumination of lanterns. Taking a walk here, it will be interesting to go into the house of the Singer company, whose second name is Book House, or to admire the Kazan Cathedral. To list all the interesting features of the prospectus, it will take a lot of time.
Using the services of a guide and traveling around St. Petersburg and its environs on a comfortable bus according to a busy schedule or being your own master and saving money (but not nerves) is up to you. Here we can cite only the positive and negative sides.
Why you should choose a guide (meaning a large-scale tour for the whole day or for the entire stay in the city):
- The board climbs once. Your financial worries begin and end with the acquisition of an excursion.
- Providing a guide. The type of excursions can be different. A feature of some is the only guide for all occasions. It happens that upon arrival somewhere your organizer himself hires a local guide who will tell you about local attractions.
- Guides and their groups usually have their own queue. It is much smaller than normal, and does not have to wait long.
- Travel by bus.
- On the way you will be told a lot of interesting things.
However, you will have to pay for this. Ticket price from 1000 rubles. By agreeing to an excursion, you lose some freedoms:
- It will not work for a long time to stand and enjoy the sight. The group will constantly “run away” forward.
- You cannot change the program. You have to go where everyone goes.
- Usually, large groups are gathered for bus excursions, which in the future can cause discomfort.
In the pursuit of new experiences, in no case should we forget about the construction of bridges. This is one of the main attractions of St. Petersburg. Schedules for bridges can be found on the Internet and plan your trip more carefully. There are two options to see this spectacle. For half an hour or earlier, you can buy tickets for a water excursion. The route, most likely, will include visiting several bridges at once. If you intend to observe the wiring from the shore, then Palace Embankment is the best option. 3 bridges are immediately visible from here: the Annunciation, the Palace and the Trinity. However, a large crowd usually gathers at Palace Square at this time. The Palace Bridge is brought down and bred twice, and for the second time there are significantly fewer people.
When the program is completed, it is worth remembering why the city is called the cultural capital. Local cash desks will always be able to offer you events for every taste, will allow you to touch the elite or popular culture. It is worth visiting the well-known Mariinsky Theater, or find out maybe a famous group is currently visiting the city.
You will remember St. Petersburg for life. Having returned home, you will remember him for a long time, and the desire to move there forever will surely settle in you.
- Museums of the world - a large archive of museum collections of paintings
- In St. Petersburg for the first time the festival of drama "New play for children" opened
- Yuri Bashmet and Eugene Onegin. Venue - Mariinka-2.
- Corporate vacation
- "World through the eyes of Russian artists" is shown in the Yelagin Palace
- At the St. Petersburg Theater "Saturday" was the premiere of the play "Not Listed"