Pitfalls of low-cost flight companies
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This may seem fantastic to some, but today it has become a reality to travel by plane for the price of a ticket, much lower than the cost of a train ride. This unique opportunity has appeared among tourists thanks to companies offering their services at the most affordable and even the lowest possible rates. Find and compare prices for such flights will help you flight search engine Flightourist . But let’s figure out how such a significant saving occurs and what unpleasant surprises passengers of a budget flight may encounter.
What is the secret of low price
The most important and practically the main advantage of any low-cost airline is the extremely low price of an air ticket. Thanks to this, low-cost companies managed to win a significant part of the market already occupied by traditional carriers. The fundamental position of such carriers is to save absolutely everything except to ensure flight safety. Cost reduction is achieved by eliminating many services that require additional costs. In particular, such companies do not have their own networks for the sale of tickets, and do not even use the services of other intermediaries. Purchasing tickets is possible only on the site of the low-cost airline, and only in electronic form. Thanks to this, the carrier significantly reduces the cost of the ticket, removing the price of printing and delivery of a paper ticket to the passenger from the price of the ticket. However, low-cost airlines have a few more features.
booking tickets exclusively on the Internet;
the minimum ticket price is offered a few months before the departure date, the closer to the departure day, the ticket price will be higher;
booked and paid tickets for low-cost flights cannot be returned, and you can change the flight date only at an additional cost. The passenger can be refunded for the purchased ticket only if the flight is canceled.
Low-cost airlines plan to land and depart at small minor airports, which can be located up to 100 km from the declared city of arrival. And if you are planning a transfer from this flight, then pay special attention to this moment;
during the flight passengers will not be offered drinks or food, or these services will be provided only at an additional cost;
tickets do not have seat numbers in the cabin, so passengers sit at their own discretion - the best places can be taken by those who first got on board;
companies operate modern economical aircraft on their flights, which are difficult to classify as comfortable in terms of seating arrangements;
Departure and arrival may fall at the most inconvenient time for the traveler (early morning or late night);
special baggage restrictions. If the company’s norm is exceeded, it will be necessary to pay serious amounts that can offset the benefits of the flight on a budget flight.
But if you understand and realize all these points, the low-cost companies provide an excellent opportunity for anyone to travel around the world without spending significant funds. When planning a trip to Europe, you can fully count on the cost of flights from one country to another in the range of 15-30 euros. At the same time, the level of safety on such flights does not suffer at all. So if you are ready to sacrifice comfort in order to maximize savings - a low-cost company for you.