Painting of the hereditary Armenian artist Mher Chatinyan 12+
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с 1 по 29 Сентября
Творческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Artist’s Studio" 3rd floor.
Grandfather Albert Chatinyan and father Hamlet Chatinyan are also painters. Mher was born in the city of Kirovakan (present-day Vanadzor) in 1989. After graduating from high school in 2006, he began to draw and entered the Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute at the faculty of Painting and Graphics, which he graduated in 2010. In 2010-2012. served in the Armenian army. Participant of city and pan-Armenian exhibitions since 2006.
He participated in art symposia in Gyumri in 2012, 2013, 2014, in Tbilisi in 2013, and in Slovakia in 2014. - Member of the World Union of Armenian Artists.
Mher Chatinyan, of course, is a national artist, characterized by rich color temperament. The bright color of the author’s palette is rooted in his homeland, its majestic nature, mountains and the sun. Keeping the traditions of his native art school, Mher is working on finding his own painting style. In many of the author’s works, one can feel the influence of the modernist trend in art, inspiring Mher on a further artistic experiment.
Working on a pictorial image, the artist creates his own symphony of color, like a symphony of the soul. And it can be different, playing chords of sadness and joy. In many of his works, the artist pays special attention to the charm and aesthetics of wilted flowers, finding in them the charm of the irrepressible cycle of nature, beautiful in all its manifestations. This observation of the artist is transformed into a certain Old Testament image of beauty and wisdom of old-age gray-haired, and, giving her a tribute of respect and reverence, the author often depicts the face of an ancient old man, including him in the composition of his paintings full of color and life.
The entire series of paintings by Mher Chatinyan presented at the exhibition is dedicated to the unforgettable beauty of the mountain landscape of the native land, the old streets of your favorite cities, expressive portraits of men and women in national costumes, executed with the skill of a professional artist. The author distinctively and boldly works with color. Possessing a subtle sense of color, he takes powerful colorful arrays and creates unexpected expressive compositions from them, creating pictorial chaos on the canvas and the harmony of the proportions sounding, whether it is a reflection of mountain riffles in the river or a street perspective soaring upwards. And this uncontrollable creative energy of the artist is reflected in the unprecedented productivity of his work. He used to write quickly and loudly, trying to catch the sensation and capture it immediately, without stretching the work sessions and without extorting the painting. That’s why it is so remembered by the freshness of the palette and the unexpected finds of the artist, who is not mistaken in the brush stroke when he puts unexpected shadows and cuts shapes, like the first potter creating the universe. And like an old song of the world, in which the artist has invested part of his soul, his painting sounds and pours, endlessly inspiring the beholder.
- Mher Chatinyan. Exhibition of Painting and Graphics
- Mher Chatinyan "Armenia, my love …"
- Enough minimum
- Exhibition "Defenders of the Fatherland. Military-historical theme in varnish miniature painting"