Art project "Book Graphics Forum"
Automatic translate
с 24 Октября
по 15 НоябряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
October 24 at 19. 00 in the Gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open the art project "Forum of book graphics" dedicated to the Year of Literature.
This experimental project uses counterpoint technique, combining classical book illustration and contemporary art represented by the artist’s book, installations, objects, videos, etc. in a single exhibition space. This is the experience of studying such a phenomenon as a book in various forms - from the illustrated “Primer” by Karion Istomin 1694 years before the artistic rethinking of the image of the book.
The exposition provides for reading and bookcrossing areas, a media hall and other interactive spaces that offer everyone to become a participant in the project: a large-scale installation of Sergey Yakunin will involve the viewer in the labyrinth of poetry A. Vvedensky; futuristic objects of Mikhail Pogarsky will attract intellectual riddles; a brick from Bulgakov’s novel “for no reason at all will not fall on his head” (author Diana Mayorova).
The opening program on October 24 at 19. 00:
- performance of the Font Theater (workshop of Tagir Safaev),
- music show of Nicholas Fellini,
as well as many myths about the familiar image of the book will be debunked.
Participants A. Brochet, V. Goppe, K. Latyshev, M. Pogarsky, M. Roshnyak, T. Safaev, A. Urban, T. Hengstler, S. Yakunin, Workshop and Dmitry Barbanel, O. Ionaitis, V. Fomina and etc., as well as young artists, some of whom have already been awarded by the professional community.
Curators Mikhail Roshnyak, Galina Kuzmina.
The project program includes master classes, a round table, presentations.
The exhibition is open until November 15, 2015.
Moscow State United Artistic Historical, Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve (Kolomenskoye Museum)
National Book Design Contest “Heat Book”
MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganova
Publishing House "Children’s Literature"
Gallery "On Kashirka" - the largest in the Southern District of Moscow. It was opened in 1986.
Works with artists from various creative fields. The range of exposition activities: from traditional genres to contemporary art exhibitions (art projects with video and media installations, thematic performances).
The gallery is actively engaged in educational work. It organizes interactive art events, lectures and workshops, music festivals, concerts, film screenings, creative meetings, presentations of books and magazines. The gallery has a studio of fine and applied art for children and adults.
Address: Moscow, st. Ak. Millionshchikova, d. 35, bldg. 5, Art. metro Kashirskaya
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11. 00-20. 00, day off: monday
Ticket: 100 rubles, preferential - 50 rubles.
Free admission day: third Sunday of every month
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