"World music in the Cathedral. Duduk and organ"
Automatic translate
15 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
July 15, Friday, 20.00
Armenian, Irish and Swedish traditional melodies - sung by organ and duduk voices. Such a performance, at first, may seem somewhat strange. Indeed, unexpected colors, paradoxical tones, which are in no way characteristic of the original melodies, are surprising. But only at the first moment. Indeed, refracted through the prism of a different tradition, folk tunes acquire a true universal sound. People are different. But the similarities in them are much greater than is commonly believed. That is why without translation understand the joy and sorrow that sound in other people’s songs. That is why emotions are so close, filling the score of the life of distant peoples of the earth.
The ensemble of soloists "Dudukist"
Artistic Director Hovhannes Ghazaryan
Laureates of international competitions
Kristina Spektorova organ
In the program: Armenian, Irish, Swedish traditional melodies
- "Organ, duduk and saxophone. Belcanto trio"
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- "The anatomy of white." Exhibition of Karina Ghazaryan
- Exhibition "Nude Art"
- Photo exhibition of Arshak Hovhannisyan. Contrauma promenade
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