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On January 30, 2015, the Russian Academy of Arts will present in the halls of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts (19 Prechistenka Street) the project "Ship. Travel through time and image ".
The exhibition will be held from January 30 to March 29, 2015.
ALEXANDER FAST. Foundation of the Admiralty
The basis of the exhibition was the work from the funds of the Research Museum of the Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg. Project participants - Krokin_gallery, Scientific Library of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Rybinsk State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve, Stella Art Fund, Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, fund of Moscow State Art Institute named after IN AND. Surikova, private collections of artists and collectors of Russia.
Academic program. 19 century Charon carries the souls of the dead across the Styx River. NIMRAKH
The image or sacred meaning of the Ship, Ark, Boat, Sailboat is inextricably linked with all eras and styles of fine art. For the Russian Academy of Arts, this topic in art is especially interesting - the Russian Navy and the Imperial Academy of Arts were created by Peter Ι. The exposition symbolically opens with the picture of Academician Lev Lagorio "View of the Academy of Arts from the Neva " (1880, NIM RAX, St. Petersburg) - a ship, as a metaphor for endless travel and searches in the continuum of art.
The exposition combines the area of the museum and exhibition complex in the symbolic "Ship ". All spaces, including a permanent exhibition, are involved in the project - each hall will become one of the stages of the Journey, revealing the facets of the metaphor of this image.
MONIGETTI. Yacht HOLD 3. START. XX centuries
The ship is the central semantic node of human cultures. A man is what his ships are. His aspirations, his subconscious drives, his ideological twists materialize in ships.
The ship marks a dream, which, perhaps, one day will come closer to a sleepy seaside city, overshadowed by scarlet sails. Already there is no strength to hope, but not hope too.
A ship signifies life itself. It moves to a distant and hardly understandable goal above the dark abysses of otherness, under the eternal stars. And the ship goes. It goes, hear. La nave va. (A. Yakimovich)
DMITRY BELYUKIN. White Russia. Exodus
"Ship " as a system filled with meanings is an idea that is timeless and adequate to any historical and artistic period known to mankind. The structure of the exposition is based on this principle - mixing and violation of all possible time and stylistic boundaries traditional for "academic exhibition ". In different in the halls of the complex, works of art of the ХVΙΙΙ, XΙX, XX centuries and our time will unite for a story about stories related to water and the ship - about travel, about a legend, about tragedy, danger and salvation, about heroes and rum The distinction between the stylistic language and formal techniques characteristic of the art of one time or another, for works located in a single space and united only by a subtle hint of a common theme or situation, not only does not interfere with the visual perception of a particular work, but sometimes it reveals "pulls to the surface " hidden meanings and cultural layers of a work of art, generates subtle associations and historical dialogues.
Well-known expressions - Navigare necesse est vivere non est necesse (It’s not necessary to live, swimming on the sea is necessary) and Vita brévis, ars lónga (Life is short, art is eternal) is the leitmotif of the project "Ship. Journey through image and time ", combining the works of famous and unknown artists - icon painting, painting, graphics, sculpture, objects, video, architectural graphics, models, photography. The exhibition includes about 150 works, including works by Ivan Aivazovsky and Leonid Tishkov, Oleg Vukolov and Francisco Infante / Nonna Goryunova, Julia Clover and Lev Kerbel, Alexei Markov and Zurab Tsereteli, Ippolit Monighetti and Yuri Avvakumov, Alexei Zubov and Alexander Bubin Bystrov and the Unknown artist of the ХУШ century, Vladimir Korbakov and Gustave Le Gray, Alexander Ponomarev and Oswald Walters Brierly, Andrey Sigson and Konstantin Khudyakov, Dmitry Belyukin and Konstantin Krugovikhin, Vasily Nesterenko and Sve Lana Konegen, Alexander Litovchenko and Zahara Kolovsky, Alexander Rukavishnikov and Lev Lagorio, Fedor Konyukhov and Albert Dodd, Alexei Bogolyubov and Vladimir Tsigal, Thomas de Thomon and Ivan Chuikov, and many more……
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