Exhibition "Familiar and Unfamiliar Zhostovo"
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с 7 по 22 Мая
Всероссийский музей декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства
ул. Делегатская, 3
On May 7, at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, the exhibition "Familiar and Unfamiliar Zhostovo" opens.
The exhibition presents a difficult and fascinating way of the formation and development of folk craft, which appeared in the Moscow Region in the first quarter of the 19th century, which flourished in the 20th century and bloomed on Zhostovo trays with magnificent bouquets to our time.
Painted Zhostovo trays are known and popular in Russia for almost two centuries. Well-recognizable bouquets and flower garlands on a black or colored lacquer background can rightfully be considered one of the most striking symbols of modern folk art.
The name “Familiar and Unfamiliar Zhostovo” reflects the purpose of the exhibition, which is presented as a document of the era: like a mirror, the Zhostovo tray reflected not only the life and being of a Russian person, his aesthetic tastes and preferences, but also the events of the political and spiritual life of our society. Along with traditional colors, plots with symbols of the Soviet regime appeared, opening the visitor to the page of the “unfamiliar Zhostov”.
In three halls of the exhibition, more than seventy trays are presented - from the earliest second half of the 19th century, performed in the workshops of O. F. Vishnyakov, E. F. Belyaev and E. F. Tsyganov, to modern works.
A little-known page in the history of Zhostov is cooperation at the beginning of the twentieth century of easel artists and masters of Zhostovo painting. So there was a creative union of P.P. Konchalovsky and A.I. Leznov, which became an unforgettable experiment of time.
At the exhibition you can see sketches of trays made by artists P. P. Konchalovsky, P. A. Spassky, A. I. Osipov. Many sketches from the collection of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art are exhibited for the first time.
The close proximity to the village of Fedoskino allowed the residents of Zhostov to adopt the technique of painting works with oil paints, which the Fedoskintsy used to paint papier-mâché products. Visitors will be able to appreciate the generality of receptions and plots of the two famous centers of folk craft thanks to the Fedoskino caskets and boxes displayed at the exhibition, in particular, with plots from the history of our state: “On the civilian”, “Collectivization”, “Three Pioneers”, “Red Army skiing” etc.
The exhibition involves the work of a talented teacher of the XX century P.I. Plakhov and his students B.V. Grafova and M.E. Domnikova, as well as the artist N. N. Goncharova from the dynasty of hereditary masters Belyaev. Bright, colorful trays of Marina Efimovna Domnikova from her personal collection allow us to see how the Zhostovo painting tradition continues and develops in the works of contemporary artists.
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