Exhibition "Winter, and again for the first time"
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с 27 Декабря
по 20 ЯнваряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
It so happened that in our climate there is winter. Good or bad, but inevitable and obvious. The beauty and fragility of this time of year, our ability to live and enjoy in a cold snowy space is amazing and provokes the creative vibrations of artists, poets, musicians - everyone who feels…
In ceramics, severity and fragility, beauty and an exciting connection with nature are similarly concentrated. Clay - a part of nature, filled with elements and cataclysms, is the main material of the ceramist. With the help of clay, a ceramic artist can speak out for any reason, respond to any phenomenon.
Artists do not ignore winter themes and associations. How much holiday and sadness, stiffness and tenderness are in them! Winter lasts a long time and manages to incorporate many important holidays, of which New Year and Christmas are the most important. Warmth and joy in the middle of a long winter gives strength, helps to endure dark days, colds and sorrows. It seems important to us to show how artists react to all these experiences, to show traces of winter and blizzards on the form, on the plane, on the surfaces. Shape and color, restraint and brightness, detail and generalization - the language of ceramics. The artist’s hand is a conductor and a tool.
Various forms, genres and technologies show the endless possibilities of this beautiful material, its ability to revive and live forever, unchanged and constantly, like the arrival of winter. When each time for the first time a pure white color is poured and gives hope, the need to breathe and feel. The exhibition will be interesting to art lovers, especially ceramics.
Tatyana Punans
Artist, curator, member of the Ministry of Agriculture, RSX
The exhibition will include meetings with ceramic artists, a curatorial tour (12.01.2018, 17.00).
Curator: Tatyana Punans.
Assistant Curator: Pauline Bramont
Participants: Tatyana Punans, Marina Stepanova-Lanskaya, Irina Chirikova, Viktor Nikolaev, Elena Malyavina, Vasily Shlychkov, Natalya Bodrikova, Daria Orochko, Alexandra Stvora, Tatyana Didkovskaya, Anna Tolstaya, Anna Bogdanova, Anna Bespoldenova, Tatyana Brigadirova, Elena Skvortsova, Maria Fofanova, Olga Skubchenko, Polina Bramon, Maria Vintskevich, Svetlana Sedlova, Natalya Zhavoronkova (Moscow), Ekaterina Bazlova, Anna Filippova, Anna Andrianova (Khotkovo), Ivan Belyaev (Vologda)
Exhibition "Winter, and again for the first time"
12/27/2017 - 01/20/2018
Vernissage 12/27/2017 at 16.00
Age qualification 0+
Gallery "On Kashirka"
Tue-Sun 11.00-20.00
Entrance ticket 100 rub., Preferential 50 rub.