Exhibition of paintings and graphics "Catherine Kondrashina and students"
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March 27 in the Exhibition Hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts will open the exhibition of the painter Ekaterina Kondrashina and her students, as well as the presentation of the catalog of the Palette art studio.
The exhibition will be held from March 25 to April 03, 2015.
Immersing the viewer in the good world of his painting, Kondrashina by personal example conveys the love of perceiving the world to her students. An artist with a wealth of knowledge and pictorial experience, Catherine was no coincidence in art. Her parents are famous Moscow painters, N. M. Kondrashin, a student of P. Korin, A. Gritsay and N. Krymov, and the student of the latter was S. V. Mashinskaya. The achievements of the artists of the Russian academic school formed Ekaterina Nikolaevna Kondrashina as a serious painter, master of painting, with her recognizable pictorial style and face.
Now Catherine presents her works in the walls of the hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, native to many Moscow artists. The exhibition promises to be interesting, because the works of the last two years will be presented, most of the paintings will be shown to the general public for the first time. The paintings are dedicated to the artist’s theme of beauty of the surrounding world and thoughts about the eternity of Being. This exposition includes works from the series “Russia” and “Flowers”.
Since 2006, Ekaterina Nikolaevna has been transferring her knowledge and experience to young artists. It is thanks to the continuity of generations that Russian art remains a significant phenomenon of world culture.
This exhibition presents the graphic work of students of Ekaterina Kondrashina, made by helium pens and markers on the theme of stylization of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Here, the talent and imagination of young students was fully manifested. Also, works in the technique of plasticine relief painting and oil work of the older group are exhibited at the audience court.
The academic system of education and knowledge gained by students E.N. Kondrashina, give the opportunity to the most capable of them to enter art institutes, get a profession and become specialists in their field. Currently, more than 10 students of the Palette art studio continue their studies in art schools and higher educational institutions.
Thanks to the active work of the head of the art studio to preserve and creatively develop the traditions of the Russian school of drawing, organize and improve the system of art education, the most important elements of Russian art education, the greatest value of Russian culture that has received international recognition, have been preserved and developed.
The high level of training of students confirms their participation and victories in International, All-Russian, city competitions and festivals.
We invite you to receive a boost of positive energy, which permeates all the work of Ekaterina Kondrashina and her pupils.
The artist is an energy donor and generously feeds her bright energy with children and adults. With positive thinking positive emotions accumulate, we are surrounded by inspiration, a cheerful mood, confidence and joy in anticipation of victory, and goodness in thoughts - positive thinking in actions and words engenders Goodness in life.
Amazing bright, full of color expression canvases set a raised tuning fork for the exhibition of Ekaterina Kondrashina, a wonderful artist, teacher and head of the museum and exhibition complex of the Art Lyceum and her talented students.
How, under such an enormous load, Ekaterina Kondrashina manages to remain an active painter and delight the audience with newer and newer works - a great professional secret of a great master!
Exhibition Hall Address:
Hall of Fine Arts
Volga branch
Russian Academy of Arts
Creative Union of Artists of Russia
Moscow, Lavrushinsky per., 15 (entrance from the yard)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 12.30-18.00
- Paintings and drawings by the artist Ekaterina Kondrashina at the MAHL RAX complex
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- Exhibition of paintings and graphics "Catherine Kondrashina and students-2"