Exhibition "Reserved Kholuy" at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art
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This is the first such a large-scale exhibition of the Kholuy varnish miniature for the museum - more than 200 works from the museum fund. The exposition will be complemented by works from the collection of the State Museum of servile art, private collections, as well as recent works by contemporary artists. In total, the exhibition features about 300 exhibits.
The exposition of the exhibition presents to the viewer the origins of the Kholuy lacquer miniature - icons of the 19th - early 20th centuries, the unique works of the founders of the lacquer miniature - former icon painters S. A. Mokin (“Tillage”, “Call of Stepan Razin”), K.V. Kosterina (“Anthem of the Soviet Union”), V.D. Puzanova-Moleva (“Boris Godunov and the Holy Fool”), D.M. Dobrynina (“On Vacation”), who sought to escape from imitation and create their own style. Widely represented are all the stages of the formation and development of Kholuy miniatures, as well as contemporary works by P.A. Mityashina, A.A. Smirnova, M.M. Veselova, L.L. Nikonova, S.D. Zakharova, M.V. Komarova and other talented artists. A special section is devoted to contemporary Kholuy icon painting.
In the XVI-XVII centuries, the village of Kholuy was divided into ownership of various monasteries. The largest part of the monastic lands belonged to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, part of the Suzdal Spaso-Euthymius and part of the Kirghach Annunciation Monasteries. These circumstances contributed to the spread of icon painting among the Kholuyts, gradually embracing the entire population.
All the founders of the new art of Hulu made up of hereditary icon painting families. Their talent, sensitivity and creative perception of the world experience of lacquer art helped to find their own style, which was created by several generations of Kholuy artists. The style of Kholuy varnish painting was formed much later than in Palekh and Mstera. Its peculiarity is not only in the refined technique of miniature writing, but also in the unsurpassed poeticized interpretation of landscapes of Central Russian nature (“Wedding Care” by V.K. Blinov).
The exhibition will be held from November 12 to December 7, 2014.
Venue: All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, Moscow, metro Novoslobodskaya, Mayakovskaya, ul. Delegatskaya d. 3
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