Exhibition of the artist and sculptor Alexei Arkhipov "Three Elements"
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с 17 Ноября
по 19 ДекабряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
In the Creative Cluster of Contemporary Art "ARTMUZA" in the Gallery "Ts" from November 17 to December 19, the exhibition "Three Elements" of the artist and sculptor Alexei Arkhipov will be held.
A multi-faceted gifted artist creates city monuments and sculptural ensembles, busts of prominent people, works of decorative art (watches, chess, cutlery and other objects and decorations) from any materials, including precious and semiprecious stones and metals, he is engaged in easel painting and graphics.
The exposition of the exhibition "Three Elements" includes exhibits of three main areas of the artist: sculpture, graphics, medal art.
Arkhipov Alexey Andreevich, was born in a family of famous sculptors. Got education LVHPU them. V. I. Mukhina (Academy of Baron Stieglitz).
The works of Alexei Arkhipov are in the collections of the State Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Historical Museum of Moscow, private collections in Russia, England, Germany, the USA, France, Belgium.
He was awarded the Prizes of the Renaissance of the Medal (Paris, 1987), Genri Dropsi (Paris, 1991), and the “Holy Patrons of St. Petersburg” (St. Petersburg, 2003). Since 1980, participates in regional, Russian and international exhibitions, and also holds his personal exhibitions, a member of the Union of Artists since 1984.
the entrance is free
Opening hours from 10:00 to 22:00
Age restrictions 14+
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