Exhibition of Vladimir Alexandrovich and Andrei Vladimirovich Vetrogonsky (St. Petersburg) "It is not time to take stock ..."
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с 29 Января
по 28 ФевраляГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Vetrogonsky (1923-2002) - full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of the RSFSR, teacher, pupil of the I.E. Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Repin, student of outstanding graphic artists A.F. Pakhomova, K.I. Rudakova, V.M. Konashevich. At V.A. Vetrogonsky creativity was closely connected with teaching at the I.E. Repin - for many years he was the head of a graphic workshop.
The artist belonged to a generation of realist artists whose creative heyday fell on the second half of the twentieth century. After graduation, Vetrogonsky worked on the theme of the post-war revival of the country for almost two decades. The exhibition presents very famous at the time works from the graphic series “Factory Weekdays” (1952-1957), “Miners” (1958-1960), filled with optimism, faith in the future. From the works of the 60-70s, some of the works of the extensive cycle "Through the Native Northwest" are presented. A significant place in the exposition is occupied by masterfully painted watercolors. Vetrogonsky created peculiar landscapes-novels, sounding almost like music - he invested so much in them feelings of true admiration, depicting morning fog, sunset, a wave, an old village. Century XXI is approaching estimates of the artistic heritage of the previous century. No matter how the aesthetic assessments, the liveliness and spontaneity of feelings that the artist put into his creations, attract a new audience, just as they attracted many contemporaries.
Andrei Vetrogonsky is the youngest of the three sons of Vladimir Vetrogonsky. He began to draw early, he studied at the secondary art school. B.V. Johanson, and then at the I.E. Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In 1981, he graduated from the graphic department. His teacher was his father, who often spoke of Andrew: "My son, but his own mind." Andrei Vetrogonsky quickly identified topics of interest to him. He correlates his predilections with the poetic line of Alexander Dolsky: “… what he’s used to for a long time…”, which became the epigraph of his work. He is accustomed to the modest northwestern nature, the village, St. Petersburg. The landscapes presented at the exhibition, endowed with allegorical elements, are decorative, refined in color and unique in mood. These include paintings such as “Landscape with Goats” (2002), “Home” (2004), “Village” (2008). The exhibition also included a series of works in which human relations dominate (“There is no name” (2004), “Pointless conversation. 25 minutes of the second” (2008), “Thunderstorm” (2008) and others). Andrei Vetrogonsky loves to write and still lifes. He includes clay and glass objects, exotic fruits, vegetables in his compositions (Still Life-98, 1998, Still Life with a Cup from Valoris, 2005), (Garlic, 2007). He paints and city landscapes, mainly St. Petersburg, the same places at different times of the year, especially on white nights. Andrey Vetrogonsky is rather a chamber artist. His art does not correlate with large-scale social problems, but with the life of every person. He sees beauty in the wealth of the everyday world, where everything is valuable: both the movements of the human soul and the state of nature, and the rhythm of the movement of the city. This is the charm and value of his work.
Andrey Vetrogonsky. LONG DUSK. 2011, sq.m. 70x90
The exhibition features 125 works of graphics and painting. The exhibition runs until February 28, 2016.
The operation mode of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Pushkin Museum of RT
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10. 00-18. ; Thursday: 10 – 20.
The cash desk closes half an hour earlier.
The day off is Monday.
Last Tuesday of every month, the Gallery is closed to visitors (sanitary day).
Phones for information: 8 (843) 238 43 27; 8 (843) 236 69 31.
Website of the Pushkin Museum of RT: www.izo-museum.ru
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