Exhibition "Nobody does this" by Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf
Automatic translate
с 26 Января
по 28 ФевраляГалерея Файн Арт
4-ый Сыромятнический переулок, д.1/8С9, Центр современного искусства ВИНЗАВОД
And we do. On January 26, the Fine Art Gallery successfully opened the first exhibition in 2021 - “Nobody does this” by Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf.
Anastasia has exhibited at the Fine Art gallery for the fourth time. In the present project, she presented 18 new paintings made in her unique author’s technique "viral painting".
Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf is included in the TOP 100 RECOGNIZED ARTISTS OF RUSSIA rating attractive for investment, according to the Russian art market database and InArt analytics. She was also included in the list of “The Best Contemporary Artists of Russia” (ARTEEX) and in the short list of 37 young artists according to the Russian Investment Art Rating 49ART.
For over 20 years she has been participating in Russian and foreign exhibitions, biennials of contemporary art, auctions and art fairs. The works of Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf are in private collections in Austria, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Israel, France, Italy, Russia and in the State Museum of Beijing (China).
So, the exhibition “Nobody does this” continues in the Fine Art gallery until February 28th. And now you can also get acquainted with the works in absentia and find out all the information about them in the exhibition catalog.
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