Exhibition Sergei Gavin "New Trellis"
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с 19 Апреля
по 8 МаяРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
April 19, 2016 at 16 hours in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka 21, an exhibition of works by the honored artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Sergei Gavin "New Trellis" opens.
The exposition included tapestries and graphic works from the collection of the Tsaritsyno State Museum-Reserve, private collections and the author’s collection.
Sergey Vladimirovich Gavin - one of the leading masters of decorative art. He was born in 1953 in Moscow. He graduated from the Moscow Polytechnic University. Kalinina, in 1977 - art and graphic faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. The author of tapestries and theater curtains. The artist’s works adorn the interiors of many public buildings. His works are presented in the collections of the Tsaritsyno State Museum of Fine Arts, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, the Museum of History and Reconstruction of Moscow, the Penza Art Gallery, the Snooti Gallery in Paris, in private collections and interiors in Russia and abroad.
S. Gavin inherits the traditions of high performing skills of classical weaving. The artistic language of his works is metaphorical, clear and open to the viewer. The beauty of texture, color richness, surprise and courage of compositional solutions - all these qualities are possessed by tapestries of S. Gavin. Refined fantasies and parables (“The Restoration Project”), allegorical works that carry a deep philosophical meaning (“Immortality”, “Field and Sky”), and landscape compositions that captivate the viewer with the amazing beauty of nature are marked by virtuosity, sharp decorativeness.. So, for a restored monument of architecture - Shekhtel’s mansion in Moscow, the artist performed the tapestry “The reserved land”.
The artist is constantly in creative search, experimenting with space, color. The experiments were embodied in the full expression, the rhythmic composition “Flight”, in colorfully complex tapestries (“Landscape with a Butterfly”, “Twilight”, “Autumn Birds”), in spatial compositions (“Islands”, “Clear Sky”), large-scale tapestry "Fugue" (2015).
According to the author, the tapestry combined many other types of fine art: graphics and painting, scenography and decorative and monumental forms, and sometimes even sculpture. Creating a tapestry is a daily many-hour work that develops into weeks, months, sometimes years. Direct communication of the artist with the outside world gives rise to themes and compositions of future works. These impressions excite the imagination, and the images of nature are fantastically embodied in the works.
S.V. Gavin conveys his invaluable experience to young artists, being a professor at the Design Textile department of the Moscow State Art Academy named after S. G. Stroganov. He was awarded the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Ministry of Agriculture and other awards.
“My work is a reflection of my experiences, impressions and thoughts, a reflection of surprise and delight from life, from communicating with people, with works of music, cinema and literature” - Sergey Gavin.
The exhibition is open on May 8, 2016.
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