Exhibition "Russia. Realism. XXI Century"
Automatic translate
с 8 Декабря
по 28 ФевраляГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57

December 7, 2018 in the gallery of modern art of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, the exhibition "Russia. Realism. XXI Century". The exhibition presents works from the collection of the Russian Museum, the Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, the Triumph Gallery, the Artwin Gallery, the Marina Gisich Gallery, Anna Nova Gallery, the collections of Eugene Khamin, as well as works owned by the authors.
The audience will be presented with 29 works by contemporary realist artists: Ilya Gaponov, Dmitry Gretsky and Evgenia Katz, Vadim Grigoryev-Bashun, Alexander Dashevsky, Kirill Koteshov, Olga Osnach, Alexander Tokarev, Mikhail Khazin, Alan Khatagty, Kiril Chelushkin and others. Artists not enter into one or another creative association, and each works in its own direction. Many of these masters are united by the desire to fix in a sharp, sometimes provocative form, a new angle of view, from which a realistic tradition is currently considered. This is not the usual realism of the nineteenth or twentieth century, first “critical”, then “socialist”.
The exhibition presents various ways of developing a realistic tradition in the works of contemporary Russian artists working on the verge of academism, photorealism and other variations of this direction that have arisen in the last decades of the twentieth century.
In the modern world, the forms and language of art are changing, the traditional genre is filled with different content. The desire for a sober assessment of the Soviet period of history, the theme of the "closed" city, urban landscape, industrial space, the role of man, his place in the modern world are issues that concern artists. Their work is distinguished by the so-called extra-thematism, addiction to the state of things.
For the first time, Kazan painters, masters of portrait and plot painting Ilnur Siraziev, Irik Musin, as well as a young artist Alexei Tsybisov, whose works, selected by the curators, organically fit into the concept, take part in this unique, grandiose exhibition.
The exhibition in Kazan at the site of the renewed gallery of modern art of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan demonstrates, in addition to traditional, innovative genres and types of creativity: installation, media art, which greatly expands the broadcast capabilities and communicative functions of modern art.
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