Exhibition "Space as a Field of Attraction". 0+
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с 26 Января
по 24 ФевраляГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5

January 26, 2019 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens an exhibition of young artists "Space as a field of attraction."
The exhibition is a joint project of six young artists graduating from the British Higher School of Design. The project combines the versatility of vision and interpretations of the term “space”, expressed in the works of participants.
Contemplation of the space of a megalopolis through color without clear outlines of the urban environment, the space of transit territories, the emotional space, the space of disorientation - these examples indicate a different interpretation of the meanings of such an uncomplicated term as “space”.
In many ways, for a person, understanding of space is determined by the characteristics of his perception, it is subjective and exists only at the moment of contemplation and is reflected in subsequent reflection. There is no misinterpretation of the surrounding world, and its interpretations are endless.
Each of the personal and collaborative works presented in the exposition reflects various aspects of the vision that come from the research and personal experience of each author. Works * were performed in various techniques: video projections, installations, collages, etchings.
* Some work is accompanied by a sharp change in color and flickering screen
Curator: Maria Kiseleva.
Participants: Maria Kiseleva, Daria Mikhailova, Natalya Bazarnova, Maria Smirnova, Polina Fesan, Maria Malkova.
Gallery "On Kashirka", Moscow, ul. Ak. Millionschikova, 35/5
Tue-Sun: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Entrance ticket: 100 rubles, preferential 50 rubles.
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