Exhibition of works by Valery Bashinin. To the 75th anniversary of the artist
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с 7 по 23 Сентября
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
In the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka 21), an exhibition of works by the honored artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Valery Viktorovich Bashenin will take place.

The exposition will comprise more than 80 paintings and graphic works of different years, representing the work of an interesting master and one of the aspects of the artistic searches of the late XX century.
Valery Viktorovich Bashinin was born in 1943 in the city of Votkinsk. From 1959 to 1964 studied at the Saratov art school, in 1968 - 1973. at the Moscow Artists’ University (formerly Stroganov) at the department of monumental painting. For several years he worked in the Combine of monumental and decorative art of the Moscow Art Fund. The author of monumental compositions for public buildings. His experience with the wall helped him a lot in his future work.
He considers Mikhail Schwartzman, the creator of the artistic and philosophical system “Hieratism” to be his teacher. Schwarzman’s hieratures are an expression in the symbolic form of the mysterious laws of the Universe, in the understanding of the artist - the fundamental, structural properties of the universe, controlled by divine thought.
Like his Master, Valery Bashinin devoted his work to the search for visual means of translating his spiritual experience, the sense of unity and complexity of life. The works of V. Bashinin speak of animals, flowers, northern nights, fairy tales, landscapes, women-birds and meetings, meetings between a person and his surrounding, visible and invisible world. The artist unites all the elements in a union so close that in some ways this may seem like a dream. As the researchers note, in relation to his work, we can talk about hyperphysics, about staying above reality, with the aim of capturing it with one glance. In his painting, one feels a connection with the Orthodox icon, parsuna and lubok, as well as the art of the primitive; echoes of the Renaissance, Russian Art Nouveau and avant-garde are heard in it.
The artist stubbornly searches for an expressive linear pattern, seeking the interaction of all its components with the general geometry of the canvas in an effort to capture beauty, silence, luminosity in the canvas.
Valery Bashenin is a participant in numerous Russian and foreign exhibitions, a participant in the Sotheby’s auction in Moscow. He was awarded a Diploma and a medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, a medal of the Moscow Union of Artists (MA). Chairman of the monumental section of the Moscow Union of Artists (2000-2006).
The artist’s easel works are represented in Russian museums: the Museum of Modern Art, the MAR’S Gallery of Contemporary Art Collections, the Kemerovo Art Gallery, and in private collections in Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Finland, South Korea, the UK and the USA.
The exhibition is open for visitors from September 7 to 23, 2018.
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- Parsuna
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