Exhibition of works by V.M.Sidorov
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с 22 Мая
по 17 ИюняРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
May 22, 2018 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 21), the grand opening of the exhibition of works by the people’s artist of the USSR, laureate of State Prizes of the USSR, RF, RSFSR I.E. Repin, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Valentin Mikhailovich Sidorov, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the master. Organizers: Russian Academy of Arts, Administration of the Tver Region, Union of Artists of Russia.
The exposition will comprise more than 100 works of different years from the collections of the Tver Regional Art Gallery, the Sarov City Museum, private collections, and the author’s collection.
The name of Valentin Mikhailovich Sidorov, master of landscape painting, is widely known. One of the representatives of the generation of the “sixties”, whose formation took place in the post-war years, he continues the picturesque traditions of the Russian realistic school today. His truly national creativity, based on a deep knowledge of life, has gained recognition in our country and abroad, his works occupy a worthy place in the history of Russian art. The artist managed to find and create his own image of Russia in landscape art, to give it a grandiose scale, to select special “colors” to convey the beauty of the Russian village.
Artists, art historians note the special expressiveness, emotional excitement of his works, the author’s ability to convey, what is called the soul of the landscape, that piercing intonation that connects the work of V.M. Sidorov with a line of Russian painting, represented by the names of Venetsianov, Savrasov, Levitan.
V.M. Sidorov was born on May 5, 1928 in the village of Sorokapenye, Konakovsky District, Tver Region. In 1948 he graduated from Moscow Secondary School of Art (Moscow Art School); in 1948-1952. studied at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin, in 1954 he graduated from Moscow State Art Institute named after IN AND. Surikov (workshop of F.P. Reshetnikov).
Teachers and colleagues noticed early talent V.M. Sidorov, his sincerity, love for everything that he depicts. Native land is the main motive of the works of V. Sidorov. They contain his memories of his childhood, about his family and his homeland. According to the researchers, there is a line in Russian poetry that most fully expresses the spiritual and artistic meaning of his work: "My home is everywhere there is a vault of heaven." Heaven and the House are unchanged plot components of his canvases and special categories of V. Sidorov’s pictorial philosophy, plastic and semantic tuning forks of his works. High bright sky, huts, children - the foundations of his universe. “Quiet my homeland”, “Spring. High Sky ”(1990-96),“ July Evening ”(1994),“ Tver Expanse ”(2007) - simple storyline works, like a river quiet on the surface, contain powerful deep semantic and emotional flows.
V.M. Sidorov is an active public figure, teacher. In 1960-1966, he was the head of the Academic Dacha in Vyshny Volochyok. Since 1994 he has been teaching at the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikova, since 1998 - heads the workshop of easel painting. Since 1972, member of the Board of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR, since 1987 - Chairman of the Board of the Union of Artists of Russia, currently - Honorary Chairman of the VTOO "SHR", member of the Union of Writers of Russia since 2003.
Sidorov’s talent was revealed not only in painting, but also in literature. He is the author of the books “The Land of Inspiration”, “Burn, Burn Clear”, a number of articles on culture and art. His stories could be an interesting addition to the word for painting - because they are united by the same mood that reigns in the landscapes of the master, revealing the main essence of his creative world. Sidorov’s works are presented in major domestic museums, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, many museums and art galleries of the Russian Federation, the CIS countries, as well as foreign museums and private collections.
Creative, pedagogical and social activities V.M. Sidorova was awarded high state and professional awards: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV and III degree, Order of Honor, Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, Gold, Silver Medal, Shuvalov Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, Pushkin Gold Medal for Contribution to Culture and Art ", International Prize to them. M.A. Sholokhov, the Order of Francis Skorina, etc.
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