Exhibition of works by Shalva Bedoev and Oleg Basayev
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с 8 по 20 Октября
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
The exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Prechistenka 21) will host an exhibition of works by leading masters of fine art of North Ossetia, painters of the academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Sh. E. Bedoev and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts O. T. Basayev. The exhibition has about 100 works of different years.
The works of these major Ossetian painters are a vivid artistic interpretation of the main intrigue of the development of Ossetian art throughout the 20th century, an expression of the originality of traditional culture through the aesthetics of modern artistic language. Belonging to the “new” artistic culture of Ossetia of the 20th century, focused on European artistic experience, through their creativity introducing tradition into the space of contemporary artistic experience, they thereby give it a dynamic, give a new life.
“Shalva Bedoev was one of the first to formulate the concept of national in contemporary Ossetian art in his statements. In his opinion, the national character of art is determined not only by the image of the characteristic national life, colors and forms of the surrounding nature, the gifts of the land on which the people live, their histories, but also by the reflection of national ideals and poetics of the worldview that have developed over the centuries. He introduces objects of Ossetian everyday life and the fruits of Ossetian land into his paintings, finds an adequate coloristic structure of his paintings, which is consonant with the colors of Ossetian nature and ancient architecture, as well as expressing traits of a national character with its external restraint and huge internal emotional energy.
Creativity Shalva Bedoeva plays an important role in the formation of contemporary art of Ossetia and Russia. He is a master of a large thematic painting, works in the genres of portraiture, still life and landscape. But one of the most important places in the area of his thematic interests is the mythological genre, which he sees in the lyrical and poetic aspect and reveals with the help of interpreted compositional techniques of symbolism and unique color. This allows his mythological images to awaken in the viewer a rich range of subtlest elusive feelings and associations that cannot be verbally expressed. The softly shining spots on Bedoev’s canvases, born of observing the play of transparent reflexes and color shadows on a sunny day, seem to emit light and give these images a wonderful mesmerizing vision that is born in front of the viewer. Painting for him is a luminiferous stream of color, and the frame of the picture is an illusion of a trap for the uniqueness of an instant, allowing the viewer to feel involvement in the mystery of the image. ”
Shalva Evgenievich Bedoev - People’s Artist of Russia, North Ossetia-Alania and South Ossetia, professor. Born October 15, 1940 in the village of B. Monaster, South Ossetian Autonomous Region. He graduated from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin workshop E. E. Moiseenko. He opened and headed the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, North Ossetian State University. KL Khetagurova and created a modern school of Ossetian painting. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Russia.
He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland of the II degree, the Medal of the Worthy", the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, the gold medals of the Creative Artists Union of Russia, VTOO CX of Russia, the diploma and the Gold Medal of the European Chamber "For a significant contribution to the development of fine art and culture." Participant of many All-Union, All-Russian, regional, academic, and international exhibitions: Paris, Belgrade, Bulgaria, Nepl USA, Argentina, Hungary, Switzerland, Barcelona, Nice, Budapest, Holland, Belgium, etc. The works are in the State Russian Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art of Russia, Russian Academy of Arts, Nepl Center for the Arts, museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.
Oleg Basayev offers his version of metaphysical painting, at the origins of which in our country are D. Krasnopevtsev, M. Schwartzman, E. Steinberg. Of course, these are various individuals, a more or less general vector of development of which was focus on the subtle movements of the spiritual atmosphere. As the researchers note, Basayev is perhaps closer to Krasnopevtsev in his appeal to subjects.
His objects exist in a fictional space, now condensed, then extremely rarefied, airless. Their texture is painted with almost embossed tactility. But the content of the image does not become forced, obsessive objectivity, but a refutation of the objectivity of the pictorial representation. Basayev’s being of reality is not limited to external, objective. The picture does not appear to be a reflection of empirical reality, but, as the Russian philosopher P. Florensky would say, a "magic machine." The metaphysical mechanisms are “switched on” by such methods of switching consciousness into the surreal space as articulation of the state of soaring, “weightlessness” or through the “germination” of the material “through” the texture. In “Stone Vase”, “Autumn Illusions”, the texture of the subject world is so actively developed that it seems that their material mass, their “physicality” is ready to flow outside like dough from a dough. In this trick of derealization, one also sees a sign of the transition from one state of consciousness to another: from the ordinary, everyday - to the dream, and even to the sacred.
Oleg Temirbolatovich Basayev - member of the Union of Artists of Russia, Honored Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor. Born in 1960 in the city of Beslan (North Ossetia). Graduated with honors from the North Ossetian Art College (1981) then MGHI im. V.I. Surikov, a workshop of monumental painting by professor K.A. Tutevol (teachers E. Maksimov, V. N. Zabelin). He taught at the North Ossetian Art College. Since 1990, he teaches at the Department of Fine Arts of North Ossetian State University. K. L. Khetagurova, since 2018 - head of the department.
He was awarded the gold medal of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, laureate of the Amedeo Modigliani International Art Competition, Milan (Italy), silver and gold medals of the Union of Artists of Russia.
Member of many regional, national and international art exhibitions, exhibitions organized by the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art R. Tabakman (USA), exhibitions in the framework of the "Days of Ossetian Culture in Europe" held in Budapest (Hungary), Brussels (Belgium), Paris (France)), Rome, Pesaro (Italy), Istanbul (Turkey), Luxembourg. He was repeatedly invited for creative work to Cyprus by the Diachronica Gallery in Nicosia, where his three solo exhibitions were held.
The works of O. T. Basaev are presented in the Republican Art Museum. M. Tuganova (Vladikavkaz), in the Museum of Modern Art of the Russian Academy of Arts (PAX), the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art Roman Tabakman (New York, USA), the Fund of the Artist Mikhail Shemyakin (St. Petersburg), in the collection of the gallery " Diachronics ”(Nicosia, Cyprus), as well as in Russian and foreign private collections.
The text is based on the materials of Alexander Borovsky, head. Department of Contemporary Art of the State Russian Museum, Honored Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
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