Exhibition of works by Ivan Shishkin
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с 23 Ноября
по 6 МартаКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
Ivan Shishkin is a big figure in Russian art. The artist’s work, replicated in Soviet times, not only has not lost interest from the viewer today, but on the contrary, it is I. Shishkin that the general public calls one of the best national artists in Russia, the master whose works most fully reflect the emotions and feelings of delight from the beauty of their native land.
The exhibition will feature over 50 paintings and graphic works by one of the most beloved Russian artists.
The master’s works are known everywhere, to viewers of absolutely all ages. Today they are perceived not only as separate artistic artifacts, their significance is much broader - the master’s paintings have become our cultural code.
It is not for nothing that many begin their first acquaintance with the world of art with them.
Contemporaries called I. Shishkin "the singer of the Russian forest". This metaphor very accurately characterizes the scale and depth of the artist’s creative quest. A brilliant virtuoso master who, in all his works, from huge paintings to small pencil sketches, accurately and subtly reveals the beauty of Russian nature, and through it the originality of the Russian soul.
Ivan Shishkin marked an entire era in Russian landscape painting with the strength and depth of his skill. Adhering to the realistic method, he created memorable images of Russian nature, imbued with sincere attention and great love for the depicted.
An educational program and interactive content were developed within the framework of the exhibition.
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