Exhibition "Crossroads of Dreams"
Automatic translate
с 10 Марта
по 15 АпреляТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
From March 10 to April 15 in the creative cluster "ARTMUZA" the original exhibition "Crossroads of Dreams" will be held. The exhibition is dedicated to the theme of dreams and archetypal images.
The Crossroads of Dreams is an experimental project to study the phenomenon of dreams and the impact of this experience on consciousness. The artist Edgar Invoker tries on the role of the scientist wizard, who put the same valuable experience and is engaged in studying the activity of the brain during sleep.
As a participant in these changing groups and communities, the author captures the actual experience of the interaction between the dream world and the world of everyday reality, erasing the visible boundaries of these two spaces.
All pictures are the result of direct practical work with the subconscious.
Paint acts as a universal conductor of information.
Images are archetypes that have come into contact.
Passing the baton from the ancient shamans and current dream hackers, the project becomes a document and illustration of the human mental experience.
Date of the exhibition: 10.03.16-15.04.16
the entrance is free
Location: 13th line V.O., house 72, ARTMUZA, 3rd floor, start site “Ul. Malevich
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