Exhibition of one painting "V. A. Tropinin. Portraits of N. I. and M. Belchenko"
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с 31 Марта
по 6 ИюняКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
On March 31, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenina st., Main exposition) will open an exhibition of one painting “V. A. Tropinin. Portraits of N. I. and M. A. Belchenko ".
The collection of the museum contains four works written by the outstanding artist V.A.Tropinin in 1830-1840. Among them are two portraits of Kaluga landowners N.I. and M.A. Belchenko, created in Moscow in November 1836. Both portraits are signed and dated.
They depict - Nikolai Ivanovich Belchenko (1804 - 03.10.1867), major. He began his service in the Saratov Infantry Regiment, then served as a lieutenant in the 21st Jaeger Regiment as part of the combined division of the 4th Infantry Corps. By 1836 he had retired with the rank of major. And in the same year he married the daughter of the Kaluga postmaster, the sister of the Russian poet L.A. Yakubovich - Maria Andreevna Yakubovich (1812 - 1878). The wedding took place on October 23, 1836 in Moscow, where relatives from the mother’s side lived with Maria Andreevna. In November - December of the same year, V.A.Tropinin painted portraits of young spouses in Moscow.
These portraits were written as a presentation of a young married couple in memory of themselves and their descendants, but in the very interpretation of the images there is no official dryness and coldness, everything is simple and natural as in life, the main thing in them is the truthfulness of the characteristics of the models. But, at the same time, in their figurative solution one can feel the poetics of realism, characteristic of the artist’s work of the 1830s. It manifests itself not only in the ability to masterfully display portrait resemblance, but also in the ability to see the best in a person.
Subsequently, the spouses N.I. and M.A. Belchenko lived in Kaluga. Maria Andreevna took an active part in charitable activities, and in 1841 she became one of the founders of the Kaluga Women’s Charitable Society. Nikolai Ivanovich in 1854 was the district leader of the nobility of the Przemysl district. The spouses owned estates in the Peremyshl district of the Kaluga province - the villages of Nizhnie Doitsy and Sosnovka.
The biography of the outstanding Russian artist Vasily Andreevich Tropinin is well known, only the date of his birth causes controversy. It was previously believed that he was born on March 19 (30), 1776. Later, his year of birth was clarified on the basis of literary and historical sources. This is either - 1780 or - 1781. In any case, in 2021 V.A.Tropinin celebrated his 240th birthday. He was born in the Novgorod province as a serf of Count A.S.Minikh, then together with the estate passed to Count I.I.Morkov. In 1799 - 1804 he studied as a volunteer at the Imperial Academy of Arts under S.S.Shchukin. From 1804 to 1821 he lived and worked in the estate of I. I. Morkov in Ukraine and in Moscow. Since 1821, V.A.Tropinin lived in Moscow, worked a lot. His works received the approval of not only the public, but also art critics.But Vasily Andreevich received his freedom only in 1823, being already a famous Moscow painter. In 1824 V.A.Tropinin was awarded the title of academician. He gave up teaching at the Academy of Arts, and settled in Moscow, where he lived and worked until his death in 1857. In the capital, he was very popular, he portrayed Moscow and provincial nobles, merchants, collectors bought his works. VA Tropinin played a significant role in the development of Russian realism, becoming the founder of the Moscow school of painting.he portrayed Moscow and provincial nobles, merchants, collectors bought his works. VA Tropinin played a significant role in the development of Russian realism, becoming the founder of the Moscow school of painting.he portrayed Moscow and provincial nobles, merchants, collectors bought his works. VA Tropinin played a significant role in the development of Russian realism, becoming the founder of the Moscow school of painting.
The exhibition will run until June 6.
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