Exhibition "On the green eyelashes of the earth ..."
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с 22 Февраля
по 7 МартаВыставочный зал Изобразительных искусств ТСХР “Лаврушинский, 15”
Лаврушинский пер. 15
Creative Union of Russian Artists
Union of Artists of Russia
Moscow Union of Artists
Fellowship of painters
Exhibition Hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts
present an exhibition of paintings and graphics
“Ekaterina Kondrashina and students-3. On the green eyelashes of the earth. ”
On February 21, in the exhibition hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, within the framework of an educational project, the annual exhibition “Ekaterina Kondrashina and students-3. On the green eyelashes of the earth… ". The works of this exposition are united by a common theme dedicated to the year of ecology, here you can see images of the nature of the native land, the diversity of the animal world, open-air studies, observations from trips to other countries.
How beautiful the world of childhood is! How much kindness, patience, creative energy is needed for our very first mentors of our leaders - children in the blue distance of art. How to teach a little person the sixth sense of proportions or the magic of composition? How to answer a question that has many answers and all are correct? How to make the mixing of paints on the palette become the same natural effect as breathing? And it should bring joy, otherwise the child will say: "I do not want to." All this can be done by a wonderful painter, corresponding member of the International Academy of Culture and Art Ekaterina Nikolaevna Kondrashina - for many years managing the children’s art studio "Palette" under the Moscow Union of Artists.
The first teacher is important for each person, it is with him that the child realizes himself as a person, learns to distinguish between good and evil. Students of the Palette art studio were lucky enough to undergo training with a thin and sensitive teacher. Over the eleven years of the studio’s existence, Ekaterina Kondrashina has given a lot of children, beginning artists, both in the sense of a general understanding of art and in solving directly pictorial and plastic problems. The talent of an art teacher is a special gift. Masters of their craft, working miracles on canvas and paper were and are now. But not all of them have a teaching flair. Therefore, teachers of Russian art are especially honored - such as Venetians, Kramskoy, Repin, Chistyakov, Grabar, Dobroserdov… Venetsianov created his own school, I. Kramskoy among other talented students, raised I. Repin, and Ilya Repin, we are grateful that there is Valentin Serov in our art. Igor Grabar stood at the origins of the creation of the remarkable Moscow Secondary Art School (Moscow Art School). Dobroserdov brought up a galaxy of remarkable Russian artists, including brothers A. and S. Tkachev, V. Sidorov and many others. Ekaterina Kondrashina passed the same school. The academic system of education and knowledge gained by the students of the “Palette” makes it possible to enter art institutes and receive a favorite creative profession. The high level of training of students confirms their participation and victories in International, All-Russian, city competitions and festivals. Many continue their studies at the art lyceum at the Russian Academy of Arts. Due to the large flow of people wishing to study under the program of Ekaterina Kondrashina, in 2014 Anna Pylaeva, a graduate of the same legendary Moscow Art School, graduated from the Polygraphic Institute, an excellent watercolor painter and a teacher with many years of experience, came to the studio.
This is the continuity of generations carrying the best traditions of Russian art. Every cultured person must understand painting as well as literature, music and theater. Art education in a young man brings up love for the world around him, for the knowledge of nature, the ability to observe and reflect, be patient, attentive, hardworking, and, finally, just be kind. And this school of kindness begins with the simplest and most understandable - with the image of marine motifs and forest landscapes, the first, still inept copies of still lifes and landscapes of famous masters…
Like in a melodic children’s song:
Play dawn sorcerer
On the flutes of the winds, on the strings of the rains.
Overflow of grass, chimes of rivers
Bewitched heart forever.
Do not look enough, look do not look,
As the mists smoke away
And the dew burns like drops of dawn
On the green eyelashes of the earth.
The exhibition presents about a hundred graphic and pictorial paintings by students of the Palette studio and their mentor and ideological inspirer, Ekaterina Kondrashina, who are also devoted to the theme of nature. The materials used by students to perform work are diverse. This watercolor, gouache, oil, plasticine, as well as mascara, feather, markers and helium pens.
The works of the mature master Ekaterina Kondrashina are subtly intertwined with the works of talented visionaries. This exposition includes works from the picturesque and graphic series “Russia”, “Russian Province”, “Sunrises and Sunsets”, “Flowers”.
The artistic style of Ekaterina Kondrashina was formed under the influence of the traditions of the academic school of Russian painting, however, the artist moves away from realism, adding a rich palette of colors to her work. In the juicy painting of Catherine, an alloy of traditions is manifested. This is a combination of post-impressionism and Fauvism with their color expression, the foundation of a picturesque Russian school of the turn of the century, with her love for the specificity of forms and color culture.
It all starts from childhood. The first teacher can give talent to develop, and with the wrong approach, if you do not pick the right key to the child’s heart, then you will forever stop hunting. By his example, the teacher accustoms students to the hard work of the artist, forms a careful attitude to the environment, and teaches how to preserve and preserve Russian culture. Education and training should be built through love - this is the life credo of Ekaterina Kondrashina. And she gives this love to the audience through her work.
The exhibition is open from 12.30 to 18.00, weekends Saturday, Sunday.
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