Exhibition of collages and posters by Sergei Nekhaev "Points for distance"
Automatic translate
с 14 Мая
по 10 ИюняТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Lecture Corner Gallery, 2nd floor.
“You know, people lose the sense of wonder inherent in children with age. This is due to the fact that the neuroplasticity of our brain decreases. Collage is somewhat a magical process. It helps to take a fresh look at familiar things; it helps to awaken this forgotten feeling of discovering the world. In each glued picture there is a small discovery. However, this is a meditative process that helps to relax and get a good dose of hormones of joy. As for the style, it is probably Dadaism combined with classical surrealism. The main thing is that I use ready-made elements - old photos, images from photo banks. I do not draw anything. My task is to push heterogeneous elements on one field and thereby carve an invisible spark. I believe that surrealism is an appropriate key to comprehending reality, ”the artist notes.
Creating collages, Sergey often acts intuitively, building models of dramatic situations, in each of which the viewer will find something of his own and decipher it according to his worldview and life experience. It happens that the original idea eventually transforms into something completely different. This is always an intricate game of the human mind, images, archetypes, unusual plots.
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