Exhibition "From Cheryomushki to Kotly. A Close History". 0+
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с 21 Сентября
по 28 ОктябряГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
An anniversary exhibition on the history of development and transformations over the past two decades of the image of the Moscow suburbs is opened in the Nagornaya gallery of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” using the example of three districts of the city (Cheryomushki, Kotlovka, Academic).
For its 40th anniversary, the gallery has prepared an exhibition project “From Cheryomushki to Kotly. Close history ”, based on a preliminary study of the districts of the South-Western Administrative Okrug, in which it is historically located. Viewers will learn how the sociocultural phenomenon of the sleeping area of the Moscow metropolis arose, without which we cannot imagine our city now.
“Cheryomushki” for the history of post-war Soviet architecture is a household name: it is the name of the administrative district (which now partially includes the Kotlovka, Academic and, in fact, Cheryomushki districts), and the Novye Cheryomushki district itself, after which bedroom districts were built around The USSR, and also the birthplace of the famous Khrushchev’s, one of the symbols of the thaw freedom, the first permitted not only “for services to the state”, personal, non-communal meters.
Traditionally, the history of any city is associated with the history of the center, while the outskirts seem to the layman something extra-historical, however, it is here that the potential is accumulated, which later becomes a “big”, mainstream history. Cheryomushki is no exception. Here are collected artifacts from different eras (from the Vyatichi mounds to the exemplary buildings of the recent past), which, due to the peculiarities of perception, we usually do not notice.
In the project “From Cheryomushki to Kotly. A Close History ”, we will discuss precisely this“ inconspicuous ”history of the Moscow suburbs, as a breeding ground on the basis of which the sociocultural matrix of today’s Moscow was formed.
One of the central “characters” of the exposition is the Nagornaya Gallery itself, the first municipal exhibition hall, opened in 1978 in one of the Khrushchev’s streets on Remizova Street. A witness and an integral participant in the Cheremushinskaya history, the Gallery provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the history of the beloved city.
The exhibition exposition consists of three independent parts. The first two are devoted to the relatively recent history of suburban and factory outskirts of pre-revolutionary Moscow, panel romance of the 50s and were 80-90s, supplemented by videos from the archives of the State Film Fund, verses by Malvina Matrasova. The third room is represented by the works of contemporary artists (Alya Hestanti, Maria Vysotskaya, Petr Chumakova, Daria Kudinova, etc.). The exhibition is accompanied by an audio tour of the sleeping areas from the project consultant, old-timer Artyom Savinov.
The exhibition project provides for a rich program of events designed for both adult and children’s audiences, which will go on throughout the exhibition: master classes in interior design, creating a blog and photography lessons; adventure quests for children and adults; lectures on art and workshops from curators; sightseeing tour of the area; film screenings about Moscow and a cocktail party with good friends gallery. There will also be organized lessons of Moscow studies for schoolchildren.
Project participants - Ala Hestanti, Maria Vysotsky, Petr Chumakova, Daria Kudinova, Alexandra Ivleva / Weld Queen.
The project consultant is an old-timer, an employee of the Museum of Heroes of Moscow Artem Savinov.
Design of the exposition and printing - art group "Comfort Studio".
The project is implemented in partnership with the State Budgetary Institution “TsGA of Moscow”, the Museum of Moscow, the Museum-Reserve of V. D. Polenov, the State Tretyakov Gallery, and the State Film Fund.
The curator of the project is Alla Kharitonova.
Date: September 21 - October 28, 2018
Opening hours: Tue – Sun 11: 00 – 20: 00
Cost: 100 r. (50 p. - discount ticket)
Gallery "Nagornaya" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow"
St. Remizova, 10, metro station "Nagornaya"
8 (495) 1236569
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