Exhibition of graphics by Vasily Krushelnitsky "Heroes and exploits"
Automatic translate
с 12 Июля
по 2 СентябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor.

The artist gives the dominant place to ordinary people from the people. Whether it’s an athlete or a soldier, a worker or a peasant, every day they accomplish the impossible, overcome themselves and their limits, reveal the potential and incredible capabilities of man so that the world continues to exist and develop. On the faces of some are extraordinary energy and heroic optimism, while others, having downcast their eyes, stoically overcome the harsh working conditions, conquering the elements and discovering new territories. His heroes daily struggle with inhuman conditions of survival, simultaneously fulfilling the task entrusted to their shoulders: they break off Arctic ice, work for five from that summit, swim in expeditions or win gold. And they wholeheartedly rejoice at every red date, as the only evidence that a feat nevertheless was. Here is sacramental Russian longing, and a visual testament to future generations, an endless faith in new victories. And, of course, a huge hope for a brighter future for our work!
- Exhibition "Through the Form"
- Exhibition "Moscow tile"
- "Despair" by Vladimir Nabokov, summary
- Acquaintance with the book of Chayanov allowed Bulgakov to find a topic for the book, which became the pinnacle of his work
- A cry of despair and hope for a radical change