Graphic Design Exhibition United Notions
Automatic translate
с 29 Мая
по 7 ИюняГалерея “Наука и Искусство”
Наставнический переулок, д.13-15, стр.3
Recently, we forget that we live in a multicultural world.
With all the differences, many nations have much more in common than they seem.
Global trends dictate a pattern of behavior, a style of dressing, musical and taste preferences.
At the same time, we try to maintain authenticity, not to forget traditions and pass them on to descendants.
It seemed to us that it would be interesting to compare the traditions and cultural cliches of different countries, find common ground, see different things, try to explain unique phenomena through visual solutions.
Taking as our allies 19 more studios from around the world, we chose concepts unique to our cultures and described them in briefs, which we then exchanged.
Each studio created 2 posters:
one on its brief, the second on someone else’s.
Now we want to show the result to you: 40 posters from 20 participants who, through typography, illustrations, shapes and colors, are trying to explain simple and complex concepts that make up the identification of different nationalities.
We hope that these works demonstrate both the differences and the similarities of our cultures.
This exhibition is our attempt at a domestic and professional level to try to find a common language with people living in other climatic, social and political realities.
.The exhibition will be held from May 29 to June 7, 2015.
Venue: Cultural space at the Yauz “Science and Art”
Address: Mentorship Lane, d.13-15, p. 3, metro Kurskaya, Ilyich Square, Chkalovskaya, Roman
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