GIF Art Exhibition Offline "GIF-GIF-GAF"
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с 22 Октября
по 9 ДекабряЭлектромузей в Ростокино
ул. Ростокинская, д.1
GIF-GIF-GAF is a study of the plots, genres and strategies of GIF art as an independent artistic media. The exhibition presents the international composition of artists who consciously chose the GIF art format as their artistic method, the language of communication with the audience.
At the exhibition, the viewer will see a collection of cinemagraphs, hypno-abstractions, animated microhistories, 8-bit hyphae, as well as optical illusions, gif-graffiti, moving paintings of the Renaissance, the work of the winning Open Call artists and “folk gif art” by Aristarch Chernyshev.
Gif animation arose due to the technical limitations of the early Internet, and from a certain point on became digital folklore of the Internet environment. Now we can talk about this format as an independent artistic method, which is gradually institutionalized. In 2012-2014, gif art was addressed, among others, by Tate Modern, Art Basel, Saatchi & Saatchi, Brooklyn Academy of Music and others.
Gif-art is a universal format that has successfully incorporated elements of different types of art: photography, animation, video art, cinema and code art, and for this reason it is organically perceived offline.
The transfer of GIF art from the traditional Internet environment to offline gives the direction new meanings, and the viewer offers a new experience of perception.
For the exhibition project, more than 100 works by artists from 15 countries have been collected.
Artists: INSA (Brazil), Hayden Zezula (aka Zolloc, USA), Kytten Janae (USA), David Szakali (aka DVDP, Hungary), Małgosia Woźnica (aka v5mt, Poland), Emilio Gomarez (Spain), Olga Lyalina (Germany) -Russia), Adam Ferris (USA), Matthew DiVito (USA), Petra Svajger (Slovenia), Nicolas Ritter (Germany), Jon Jacobsen (Chile), PaoloCeric (aka Patakk, Croatia), Maxim Litvinov (aka Kclogg, Russia), James Kerr (aka Scorpion Dagger, Great Britain), Zack Dougherty (aka Hateplow, USA), Kytten Janae (USA), Eva Papamargariti (Greece), Fong Qi Wei (Singapore), Made by ABVHl (Serbia), Archive Team (USA)) and others.
The GIF-GIF-GAF party dedicated to the opening of the exhibition will be held on October 22. Take part: Aristarkh Chernyshev with a special coub-set, Uoki Toki (musician, 8bit, chiptune), GIF-VJ Larisa Molokanova and others. Beginning at 19:00.
Project curator: Anna Titovets - media artist, VJ, curator of the Plums Fest festival of audiovisual experiments and other projects.
At the same time, the Moscow Exhibition of Sound Arts, which operates at the Electromuseum, opens the Atonal Architectonics: Building exhibition , within which artists from the SA community)) will demonstrate works linking sound and architecture. “AA: Building” was first shown in September 2015 in Austria as part of the Russian Sound Art Showcase at the Ars Electronica festival - the most respected and legendary international technology arts festival. Thus, this project was the first collective exhibition of Russian sound art outside the Russian Federation.
Participants: Oleg Makarov, Patrick K. -H., Dmitry Morozov, Sergey Kasich, Victor Chernenko (aka Acousmatist), Alex Pleninger, Sergey Filatov, Polina Dronyaeva and Alexander Senko, Vlad Dobrovolsky, Boris Shershenkov, Evgeny Cherny and Gleb Rogozinsky.
Address: st. Rostokinskaya, 1, “Electromuseum in Rostokino”
Exhibition opening hours: October 22 - December 9, 2015, 11. 00 - 20. 00.
Daily except Monday. Entrance to the opening day is free.
On other days, the ticket price is 100 rubles. (50 rub. Preferential)
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