Exhibition "Guy de Montlor"
Automatic translate
с 6 Июля
по 7 АвгустаГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
On Tuesday July 5, at 19.00, an exhibition will open in the gallery “On Kashirka”, where for the first time in Moscow paintings by the French expressionist Guy de Montlor will be presented.
Guy de Montloor’s paintings were exhibited in various Russian cities - for example, in Perm and Yekaterinburg - but before Moscow for various reasons they will be shown for the first time. At the same time, collectors and art historians have been talking a lot about Montlor. A hero of the Second World War, an adherent of cubism at an early stage of creativity and a master of the palette knife, who in a later, expressionist period used more often than a brush. In the names of his works he often used quotes from poems of symbolist poets - Paul Verlaine, Guillaume Apollinaire, Charles Baudelaire - which he loved and knew by heart.
Twenty-two paintings (oil-canvas, oil-wood, oil-hardboard) will be transported from the Perm Art Gallery to Moscow under the personal control of the artist’s son, heir and curator of the collection, Georges de Montlor. At the opening of the exhibition, he will conduct a curatorial tour, telling in detail about how his father worked.
The other side of the moon, seen in 1966 by those who have never been there
On the road, near Salniel, friend
The ambiguous and figurative image of St. Christopher, or there are things that would be much better not to know
Once in June in the early morning
More details:
Guy de Villardi Count de Montlor (1918-1977) - French expressionist painter, hero of World War II, a member of the French Resistance, an officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor and cavalier of the French Military Cross. Montlor is a representative of one of France’s oldest family clans. The estate of the Montlor family - a castle of the 11th century - is located in Languedoc, north of Montpellier. Before the war, Guy de Montlor studied philosophy at the Sorbonne and painting at the Julian Academy. In October 1938, he volunteered to serve in the cavalry regiment, which stood near the German border. He went through the whole war - first as part of a reconnaissance unit and a volunteer corps, later as part of the British troops - participated in a landing in Normandy and liberation from Dutch coastal Dutch cities. At 25, he received the Legion of Honor. After the war he returned to painting.
The Perm State Art Gallery was created in 1902 on the basis of the Scientific and Industrial Museum. Now the gallery funds more than 50 thousand works of art. Including canvases by Russian painters Vasily and Peter Vereshchagin, a unique collection of propaganda posters from the Great Patriotic War, as well as folk art objects of the Perm Region: icons, costumes, ceramics, weaving, wood painting. At the end of the 20th century, the gallery began to work closely with foreign artists, collectors and art historians.
Gallery "On Kashirka" - the largest in the Southern District of Moscow - was opened in 1986. The gallery works with artists from various creative fields. The range of exhibition activities: from traditional genres to contemporary art exhibitions. It also organizes interactive art events, lectures and workshops, music festivals, concerts, film screenings, creative meetings, presentations of books and magazines. The gallery has a studio of fine and applied art for children and adults.
Exhibition Guy de Montlor
July 6 - August 7
Opening - July 5, Tuesday, 19:00
Gallery "On Kashirka": +7 (499) 612-11-61, Ac. Millionschikova, 35, bldg. 5, m "Kashirskaya", Tue-Sun 11.00-20.00, www.nakashirke.com , entrance ticket - 100 p., preferential 50 p.
Free admission day is the third Sunday of every month.
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