Exhibition of photographer Elena Bogdanova "ASANA"
Automatic translate
с 19 Марта
по 2 МаяТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor
To see and understand something important about oneself, to find one’s inner center of perfect balance and for a moment to feel the moment “here and now” - everything is at the exhibition of the photographer Elena Bogdanova “ASANA” in the creative cluster of ARTMUZA.
“The idea of creating this project arose initially at the subconscious level. At some point, a desire to photograph acquaintances practicing yoga simply appeared. Already as the photos appeared, there came a realization of why I photograph this and why I want to share it - why “ASANA” is Elena Bogdanova.
Asana is a word for yoga poses, and according to one definition, staying in one’s true form. The philosophy of yoga is not limited to the physical aspect and improvement of the body - on the contrary, the concept of yoga is spiritual development. Asana is the basis of yoga of the physical level - the first stage of spiritual perfection and movement from the gross - bodily, to the subtle - spiritual, from the particular to the general. The path of spiritual growth is long and progressive, but each path has its own beginning, and it often plays the most important role. Any movement towards harmony and love begins with oneself. This truth is now practically forgotten: it is becoming increasingly difficult to conduct dialogues, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hear and understand each other, both for people and entire countries, but you need to hear, understand, accept and love, first of all, yourself. This is the conclusion of all spiritual practices and teachings - without self-love it is difficult to love the world. Love means the ability to understand, accept, hear, feel, protect, care, respect, develop…
Admission is free for everyone!
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