Exhibition of Tajik easel painting 1970-2010 "Roads of Khoja Nasreddin." Contest
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с 6 Августа
по 15 СентябряСерпуховский историко-художественный музей
ул.Чехова, 87
Serpukhov Museum of History and Art from August 6 to September 6, 2015. presents to visitors the exhibition “Roads of Khoja Nasreddin” from the private collection of the Moscow collector, chairman of the Arbitration Court of construction organizations in Moscow, Yulia Verbitskaya. The exhibition will feature works by Tajik artists of the twentieth century that are similar in theme and style to the characters of Leonid Solovyov’s book “The Tale of Khoja Nasreddin”.
This exhibition is a unique experiment uniting the cultures of East and West, harmoniously complementing each other.
Travels of the cheerful wanderer - Khoji Nasreddin - from the remarkable adventurous novel of the Soviet writer Leonid Solovyov are illustrated by works from the collection of Yulia Verbitskaya by such significant authors as Zuhur Khabibullaev, Murivat Beknazarov, Sabzali Sharipov, Mirshakar Akmal.
The roads of Khoja Nasreddin led him around the world. From West to East and from East to West. And no one can exclude the possibility that once following with a trade caravan, he did not visit such a rich and well-known trade business city as Serpukhov. Maybe here he left his good mark: love of justice, good craftiness, a sense of proportionality and exceptional luck, which is famous for this wonderful city.
The works presented at the exhibition are the brightness of pure colors, the abstraction of forms, so characteristic of the art of the East with their undercurrent of sadness, philosophy, and narrative. The names of these places - the old cities of Turkestan, such as Bukhara, Khojent, Kokand, remind us of an oriental tale and cause an association with Scheherazade.
At the initiative of a private collector Yulia Verbitskaya, in the Serpukhov Museum of History and Art you can not only get acquainted with the wonderful canvases of Central Asian artists, but also read quotes from the book “The Tale of Khoja Nasreddin” by Leonid Soloviev, which will plunge you into the fairy-tale world of the East.
http://serpuhov-museum.ru/Attention: the museum announces a competition!
Private collector Julia Verbitskaya, together with the Serpukhov Museum of History and Art, announce a competition for the best artwork among students based on L. Solovyov’s Tale of Hodge Nasreddin.
Conditions of the competition:
- read the story of L. Solovyov "The Story of Hodge Nasreddin"
- visit the exhibition “Roads of Khoja Nasreddin”
- to transmit the original work of art (drawing, watercolors, paintings), based on the novel by L. Solovyov “The Tale of Khoja Nasreddin” (the choice of size, plot, technique remains at the discretion of the author)
- age category up to 18 years
- each participant is required to indicate brief information about himself (name, age, contact phone number, email address (if any)).
The prize fund is:
1st place - 15,000 rubles, 2nd place - 10,000 rubles, 3rd place - 5,000 rubles, as well as memorable gifts for participants.
The submission of the original works to the competition is subject to the mandatory availability of a ticket to the museum from 09/01/2015 to 04/30/2016 at the Serpukhov Museum of History and Art at the following address: ul. Chekhov, 87, building 135 (excursion and education department).
At the end of the competition, the best works will be exhibited at the Serpukhov Museum of History and Art.
For all questions, contact the contact phone: 8-964-7000-113.
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