Exhibition of Dasha Namdakov "Baikal. Transfiguration"
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с 24 Июня
по 17 СентябряГалерея В. Бронштейна
ул. Октябрьской Революции, д. 3
From June 24 to September 17, 2017, the V. Bronstein Gallery (Irkutsk) will host a personal exhibition by Dasha Namdakov “Baikal. Transfiguration. " For the first time, unique jewelry works created by the master in different years of creativity are presented in the Baikal region as a personal exhibition project.
D.Namdakov. Photo by Yana Ushakova
The exposition includes more than 60 exhibits that create a bright theatrical world of artistic images: fantastic creatures, mythical animals, “magic” attributes. Each item in the jewelry collection is striking in its beauty, harmony of form and color, a combination of traditional elements of form with an original modern design. The collection is made by the method of artistic casting, using other jewelry techniques. The constructive solutions developed by the author sometimes amaze the imagination with their ingenuity, and the content of the images "leads" the audience into the world of deep cultural symbols. Working on jewelry, Dasha acts in this process as a master designer, often combining gold and silver with bronze, mammoth bone and precious stones.
Olga Bronstein, the head of the gallery: “The new exhibition is not the first project of our gallery with the Dasha Namdakova Art Fund. But for the first time, working on the exposition, we invite the designer-decorator, design special equipment, in fact, change some internal logic of space. All this is necessary so that visitors to the exhibition can plunge headlong into the very special world that Dasha creates. ”
The worldwide recognized art of Dasha Namdakov, a sculptor, jeweler, graphic artist, is an amazing combination of ethnic traditions with elements of the ancient culture of Eurasian shamanism and Central Asian Buddhism, in a special interpretation. Talking about his work, the master explains: “They try to“ torture ”me about this. What do you think is your destination? In fact, art either exists or does not exist, what kind of eye shape it has - it does not matter. ”
Jewelry exhibition “Baikal. Transfiguration ”is one of the projects that Dasha Namdakov is currently implementing. The master directs his efforts to creating Baikal regional art projects, including in the field of landscape sculpture ("The Guardian of Baikal", Irkutsk Region, Olkhon, 2017), architectural and spatial compositions ("Mammoth", the project of the Museum and Exhibition Center of the modern art, Buryatia), a series of exhibitions of the jewelry collection. Exhibition “Baikal. Transfiguration ”is held with the support of the Dasha Namdakov Art Fund.
Tickets cost 150 rubles (for adults), 50 rubles (for children 3-18 years old) and 50 rubles (for preferential categories of citizens). You can visit the exhibition daily from 11 to 20 hours.
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