Exhibition "Shine of Gems"
Automatic translate
с 16 по 20 Ноября
Галерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
From November 16 to 20, 2016 in the Gallery of Modern Art (K. Marx St., 57) the “SHINE OF SELF-FLOWERS” will shine again. The exhibition is held by the St. Petersburg exhibition association “STONE OF THE STONE”, founded in 1992.
Gems and gemstones have always attracted people’s attention. For some, the beauty and prestige of a stone is important, for others, its magical and energetic properties. But, more often than not, you do not choose a stone, but a stone chooses you… Why this particular stone will be prompted by an expert astrologer who works at the exhibition.
Open a window to the wonderful world of stone will help you masters, jewelers and collectors from different cities. They will provide you with the opportunity to admire jewelry and collectible minerals and purchase what you like.
By a good tradition, you will be the first to see our NEW exposition - an exhibition from private collections “MASTERPIECES OF ANTIQUE PONTERS”.
Pottery is one of the most ancient crafts. In ancient Greece and Rome, pottery is, first of all, a work of art, expressed in painted ceramics, in its elegant forms and proportions.
The exhibition presents the work of ancient Greek and Roman masters who are distinguished by the perfection of form and originality of design. You will see black-lacquered vases that have retained the warmth of the dark-skinned hands of slender Greek women, red-lacquered dishes and mugs that once gripped the strong, muscular arms of Roman legionnaires. Visitors will be able to imagine the aroma of perfume emanating from glass perfume bottles that knew the touch of the thin fingers of ancient Roman women of fashion.
On November 19, at 10 a.m., within the framework of the exhibition, expert gemologist, member of the National Gemological Association (NGA), Vladimir Nikolaevich Zhidkov, will give a lecture on precious stones.
If you like jewelry made of natural stone, you are interested in what our planet consists of, or you simply collect minerals, you always have many questions that you can get answers to by visiting this lecture. And regardless of your status in society, regardless of your age, each listener will discover this world - the world of stone. Stones are the annals of our planet. By learning to understand their language, you can not only read the history of our planet, but also look into the future.
Limited number of seats!
Hurry!!! Only 5 days the exhibition will be in Kazan!
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