Exhibition "ARCHIVES"
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с 12 по 18 Ноября
Поволжское отделение Российской академии художеств
Лаврушинский пер., д. 15
Sergey Karmeev and Alexander Drozdin present the ARCHBROZHENIE exhibition in the Lavrushinsky 15 exhibition hall in Moscow
The exhibition is open for visitors from November 12 to 18, 2015, during the opening hours of the Lavrushinsky 15 exhibition hall.
The ARCHBROGENIE exhibition is a product of the creative search of two Saratov authors working in different techniques and directions, whose paths crossed, turning into a mosaic from ancient history and will take on new civilizational changes, the architecture of the ancient Romans and the fast-moving lines of hi-tech, harmony of eternal nature, man-made gardens, research in biotonics, creating the aesthetics of a new space.
Karmeev Sergey
Photographer. He graduated from the Saratov Veterinary Institute. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia (1990). Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, since 2013 - Chairman of the SROO "Creative Union of Artists of the Saratov Region." Held 34 personal exhibitions. He implemented the project “Man outside the city” in the field of photography with a grant from the President of Russia (2010). Member of international and interregional academic projects "Red Gate / Against the Current", "Between the Volga and the Danube." Prize-winner in the field of contemporary fine arts K.S. Petrova-Vodkin (2014). Art Director of the Amethyst International Association. In 2015, he headed the Square Meter club project as part of the creative workshop of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Creative Union of Russian Artists. Lives and works in Saratov.
Drozdin Alexander
Photographer. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. Member of regional exhibitions, international and interregional academic projects “Red Gate / Against the Current”, “Between the Volga and the Danube”, the “Square Meter” club project, implemented as part of the creative workshop of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Creative Union of Russian Artists (2015). Lives and works in Saratov.
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