Exhibition Andrei Dyomin "Motor Vacuum Cleaner. Naive? Very"
Automatic translate
с 11 по 28 Августа
Галерея XXI века
ул. Кременчугская, д. 22
The opening of the exhibition “Motor Vacuum Cleaner. Naive? Very "on the site of the 21st CENTURY GALLERY of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association. Painting and graphics by Andrei Dyomin, a special artist.
There are people who are not at all like others. With a clear, uncomplicated, kind look, with a feeling that the world is open and created for them, and with the complete impossibility of children in this "adult" world to navigate and live. These are people with severe neuropsychiatric disorders. World practice shows that the work of special people can be a piece of art.
One of the first signs of this type of creativity in Russia was the “Special Workshops” created in Moscow in 2006 on the initiative and with the active participation of the Center for Clinical Pedagogy on the basis of Technological College No. 21. This was the first unit of this kind in Moscow and in Russia for young people with intellectual and mental disabilities in a public institution of vocational education. Now young people have the opportunity to learn professional skills in craft workshops: pottery, carpentry, sewing and weaving, and art and printing. Some of the students have a special talent for drawing.
Andrei Demin is 28 years old. As a child, doctors considered him uneducable, and now he hosts solo exhibitions. This artist did not attend school, he does not use speech, does not read books, lives in his own special world, but his work is so unusual that it inspires critics and spectators.
In college and after, in creative workshops, professional artists worked with Andrei, not only as teachers, but also as co-authors. The first to seriously work with Andrey was the artist Veronika Pavlenko. Veronica discerned in Andrei his own style. Andrey mastered working with color with the artist Tatyana Chemodanova. Tatyana immediately put a huge canvas in front of him, gave a large brush, thick bright colors.
“Unlike the art of the“ audience ”, the gallery-auction, the art of Andrei Dyomin was originally intended by the artist for only one spectator: for himself. This is his own way of overcoming difficulties in communicating with the world, translation from the languages of the universe - including all languages of art - into his own, personal language, the rules of which he sets himself. The viewer is left with only a general idea of the beauty, harmony and expressiveness of this language; but can’t the same thing be said about the work of any other real artist? ”says art critic Elena Gerchuk.
Now Andrei Dyomin continues to work in the studio of Veronika Pavlenko “Special Artists” at the State Center for Contemporary Art. The 21st century gallery plans to continue creative contacts with this studio in 2016, working on joint projects, including professional artists and children’s art studios.
21st Century Gallery (M. Slavyansky Boulevard), ul. Kremenchug, building 22, tel.: 8 (499) 445-16-50
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