Exhibition of Alena Ostrovskaya "Dreams about something more ..."
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с 1 по 22 Декабря
Музей Владимира Высоцкого
улица Высоцкого, дом 3
An exhibition of the artist Alena Ostrovskaya "Dreams about something greater…" has opened in the Vladimir Vysotsky Museum. Art connoisseurs can view the exposition until December 22 in the exhibition space in the lobby of the 2nd floor.
Why do we dream, how are they related to our real experience, and are lucid dreaming really possible? Reflecting on these questions, the author has created a series of watercolor paintings about the world of her dreams. Weightless fantastic images are depicted on the canvases: these are dreams-metaphors, dreams-sensations, dreams-premonitions. The watercolor technique was not chosen by chance, because it is she, with its airiness, transparency and fluidity, that is best able to convey the elusiveness and fragility of magical dreams.
Alena Ostrovskaya, a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the International Art Fund, a member of the International Union of Teachers-Artists: “Creating paintings on a specific topic - and in this case we are talking about the world of dreams, dreams, fantasies - this is my way of communicating with the viewer. Through canvases, I express my awareness, share hidden thoughts, ideas, feelings, open my heart. I offer my answers to popular questions that everyone has asked at least once in their life - what do people dream of, what happiness is… For many years now I have been working with great pleasure with the Vladimir Vysotsky Museum, there is a special atmosphere and amazingly sensitive spectators. When I observe how the audience perceives, reads the meanings that I have encoded in my works, I feel great satisfaction,I see how my images resonate with the viewer and this is a very important feedback. I am happy that through my works I help people feel something more. "
The exhibition "Dreams of something greater…" is another joint project of the artist and the State Museum of Vladimir Vysotsky. Alena has been cooperating with this cultural center for the seventh year. Prior to this, the museum hosted exhibitions of the author: "Based on the work of V. Vysotsky", "I’ll tell you a fairy tale", "Cat exhibition" and others.
Lyudmila Lapunova, Deputy Director of the Vladimir Vysotsky Museum: “One of the main tasks of our museum is the cultural education of the population. It is not the first year that we have been inviting Alena Ostrovskaya to participate in joint projects and see a positive response among visitors to her work. Alena’s works are filled with light and warmth, she has an unusual, creative view of the world. Alena has become one of the favorite artists of our audience and we are pleased with our cooperation. "
The exhibition is available until December 22 in the exhibition space in the foyer of the 2nd floor of the Vysotsky Museum (Vysotsky str., Building 3). Free admission.
We will be glad if you have the opportunity to visit this exposition and get aesthetic pleasure!
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