Exhibition "Abstraction:
Life and Freedom" 0+
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с 22 Марта
по 8 АпреляГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
On March 22, an exhibition will be opened in the Nagornaya gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow partnership with the Creative Union of Russian Artists, representing the works of Evgeny Tsipulin, one of the famous artists working in the field of abstract painting.
Evgeny Tsipulin’s painting conveys life, showing the diversity of its colors, sounds and movements. The ease of his work can be compared with musicality. And here, it is recalled that the founder of abstractionism, Vasily Kandinsky, believed that he “raised the painting to music,” since it was music, by virtue of its least attachment to sensory forms, that he and his contemporaries saw as the highest form for displaying the structural foundations of reality.
Continuing the search in this fine tradition, Tsipulin presents his playlist to the audience. The artist often compares his paintings with jazz improvisation and, looking at his canvases, you can really hear the dense vibrations of the orchestra, the lonely voice of the saxophone.
“For me, abstraction is freedom in creativity. I went to her for a long time - designing, illustrating, through figurative and narrative, through exhibitions, and much more. And having discarded all attempts to copy the world, gradually losing its concreteness and reality in his works, he now went into a clean space that has no boundaries. There is only air in which it is free to breathe and easy to create, ”writes E. Tsipulin in the catalog for his exhibition.
The exhibition features more than 80 works by the author - paintings and graphic compositions accompanied by jazz tunes, video art.
The catalog prepared by the artist specially for the exhibition will be presented at the opening.
The exhibition includes an educational program aimed at different audiences:
March 28, 18.00 master class for children 5+ “Abstract painting”
for entrance tickets to the exhibition
April 06, 18.00 performance of the brass band Tri’O
Member: Eugene Tsipulin.
Curator - Evgeny Tsipulin.
Opening date: March 22, 2018 at 19.00 - admission is free
Date: March 22 - April 08, 2018
Opening hours: Tue – Sun 11: 00 – 20: 00
Cost: 100 r. (50 p. - discount ticket)
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