All-Russian traveling exhibition "Picturesque Russia"
Automatic translate
с 8 по 20 Ноября
Галерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
November 8 at 17.00 in the halls of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli Gallery of Art (Prechistenka, 19) opens the all-Russian exhibition "Picturesque Russia".
Belyukin D. In snowy winter. 2013., oil on canvas 80x130
The project “Picturesque Russia” was organized by the Creative Union of Russian Artists with the participation of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
The exposition included works by more than 80 authors - leading Russian painters, academicians of the Russian Academy of Arts, artists from different regions of Russia, as well as from China.
K. Petrov. Bright snow. oil on canvas, 2016, 36x65
The exhibition is read as a picturesque hymn to the deep and diverse cultural traditions of a multinational country and as a slice of contemporary art life in Russia. The artists of the regional branches of the TSHR and the Russian Academy of Arts show paintings dedicated to the native city and the region, its history and culture, architectural and natural landscapes, and the life of their countrymen. The exposition gives birth to the multifaceted artistic image of Russia with its enduring cultural and spiritual values, a deep historical heritage and an active immersion in modern life.
It is also a holistic image of the current state of Russian painting with its broad view of the world, a respectful attitude to tradition and a bold experiment. The exhibition combines the work of older artists and the energetic work of young authors.
1 Kalinin V. Red, still life, 2007, oil temp., 130x150
As a traveling exhibition traveling through the cities of the country, Picturesque Russia refers to the progressive experience of the Wanderers, who renewed the academic painting of their time and created the Russian tradition of critical realism. The exhibition is laying a new channel for this humanistic tradition and presents the viewer with the best examples of modern painting in the whole variety of its directions and forms, local and national art schools and bright personalities. The works demonstrate plastic virtues, local spirit and traditions, reflect a broad understanding of continuity in Russian art and, in the context of contemporary artistic search, open up for experiment and new technologies.
The project manager is Yevgeny V. Romashko, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, First Vice-President of the TSH of Russia.
The exhibition is open to visitors until November 20, 2016.
Kaluta Yu. Portrait of Wei Tse. From a series of portraits Workshop. 100x80, 2014
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- "Picturesque Russia"
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