In the lens is a book
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On December 13, in Moscow, lovers of books and photographs will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of creativity and take part in the PhotoPovod art project *. Leading experts will help participants make photo stories based on their favorite books. In the framework of the competition “In the lens of the book” the authors of the best works will be awarded with valuable prizes.
Experts at the PSYforte Creative Center will tell participants of the PhotoProvide about how to depict a plot or quote they like on photos. Guests will choose stage costumes that are appropriate for the story, and make-up artists, make-up artists and hairdressers at the site will help complete the images for the photographs.
During the event, everyone will be able to post their photos on the walls of the library, exchange pictures with like-minded people, take their favorite photos as a keepsake and take part in a master class, each participant of which will create the cover of a book about his life.
Also, everyone will be able to be inspired by communication with the growing writer Tatyana Rick, winner of the fifth season of the All-Russian competition for the best literary work for children and youth "Book".
The best works of the “In the lens of the book” photo contest will be exhibited in the Library No. 26 on December 19, and their authors will be awarded valuable prizes.
Free admission!
* “PhotoPod” is meetings in libraries, when photography is a way of communication, communication, dating. This is a photo-art project, where the main tool will be a camera, imagination and creativity.
• “PhotoProvod” - take pictures, take pictures, view photos.
• “PhotoPod” - an occasion for reflection, dialogue and creativity.
• “PhotoProvod” - a way of self-expression.
Photo-art project "Photo Guide ", organized by the Centralized Library System "South-West " in conjunction with the Creative Center PSYforte will be held December 13 from 12.00 to 16.00 in Library No. 26 of the South-West (2/34 Paustovsky St., m Ashenevo). Free admission!
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