V.A. Mozart "Requiem"
Automatic translate
12 Ноября
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday, November 12, 6 p.m.
"Requiem" - the greatest creation of Mozart, one of his most popular works. And the most mysterious…
V. A. Mozart “Requiem”
Duration - 70 minutes.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Requiem” is one of the most mysterious works in world music. The story of its creation is amazing, it captivates the incompleteness of flair… but most of all, the enchanting effect of the masterpiece on the audience is amazing. It seems that in this work the composer somehow crossed the line of his own incredible capabilities, stepping over the horizon of a miracle. And this despite the fact that Mozart, in itself - a miracle that has no analogues. Death cut short a genius at a glance, at a moment that could be a watershed for the whole history of music.
State Academic Choir of Russia A. A. Yurlov
Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the A.A. Capella of Russia Yurlova - Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Gennady Dmitryak
Laureate of international competitions
Soloist of the Moscow Art Theater Anastasia Sidelnikova organ
Laureates of international competitions
Svetlana Polyanskaya soprano
Soloist of the State Bolshoi Theater of Russia
Evgenia Segenyuk mezzo-soprano
Sergey Silakov tenor
Alexey Repin bass
Program: V. A. Mozart Requiem
- “Requiem” by Anna Akhmatova
- The memory of millions of tormented beating in our hearts
- "Mozart. Requiem"
- Concert. Mozart. Requiem
- Mozart. Requiem