Tatyana Trunova. I LOOKED AROUND. Oil pastel
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с 19 Февраля
по 2 МартаБорей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
In the Small Hall of the gallery will host an exhibition of graphics of the young Petersburg artist Tatyana Trunova. The exhibition will feature works of the St. Petersburg series - city landscapes and scenes from St. Petersburg life, made using the oil pastel technique.
From the author
“I looked around” - a line from Harms poem “The Prophet from Anichkov Bridge”.
… I looked around. Fontanka
waking up, the banner creates…
Familiar characters - houses, bridges, courtyards, trees… Seen in different ways, at different times of the day, year, life… Once there, they do not argue with each other, but begin a conversation that is unexpected for the viewer and for the artist.
I looked around…
When works are created on travel, they accurately convey the flavor of time and place, all that is seen surprises and delights. Petersburg is always nearby. It is impossible not to notice. His presence is sometimes intrusive, but always fruitful. A dialogue with the city is conducted by every artist living here, all his life. And probably not an artist either.
I looked around…
At the exhibition, many works were not done from nature, specific places are not always recognized here. This is what remains in the soul after a day spent in the city, filled with deeds and impressions. Not what all people see, but what everyone sees separately.
The works of different years gathered in one series, united by the dream of the south and love for the native north.
Tatyana Trunova Petersburg artist. In 2012 she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academic Art Lyceum. B.V. Johanson. In the same year she entered the Academy of Arts. I.E. Repin. Currently a certified artist, a member of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg. He has been conducting exhibition activities since 2014.
May 2017 - personal exhibition “Red Land of India”, exhibition hall of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg
February 2018 - exhibition "Bunker", art cafe Griboedov, St. Petersburg
June-August 2018 - exhibition “Wednesday”, Artmuz Gallery, St. Petersburg
November 2018 - solo exhibition “Under the Sun of India”, exhibition hall of the Kirov Islands Library, St. Petersburg
December 2018 - participant in the auction "Nika"
January-February 2019 - exhibition “My Best Picture”, exhibition center “Hermitage-Vyborg”, Vyborg
February 2019 - personal exhibition “Landscapes, painting”, exhibition hall of the library of the Kirov Islands, St. Petersburg
- Photo exhibition. Victoria Ivanova. Still Thoughts
- Intermission
- The anniversary of the Hermitage-Vyborg Exhibition Center was celebrated with the Northern Palette exhibition
- Exhibition "Your Name" by artist Konstantin Polyakov
- Exhibition "Dostoevsky. A Writer’s Diary: Epilogue"
- Eugene Smooth. BARBARA’S GREAT. Painting