"FREEDOM IS FREEDOM ..." on the 40th anniversary of the Bulldozer Exhibition (painting, graphics, art objects, installations, photos, video)
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September 15 at 18:00 in the gallery "Belyaevo" (ul. Profsoyuznaya, d.100) the grand opening of the exhibition "Freedom is freedom…"
The new project is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the legendary public action of non-conformist artists, which took place on September 15, 1974 on the outskirts of the capital, in Belyaevo (at the intersection of Profsoyuznaya St. and Ostrovityanova St.). Its participants are collector Alexander Glezer, artists Oscar Rabin, Valentin Vorobyov, Yuri Zharkikh, Vitaliy Komar, Alexander Melamid, Lidia Masterkova, Vladimir Nemukhin, Alexander Rabin, Evgeny Rukhin, Vasily Sitnikov, Borukh Shteinberg, Nadezhda Elskaya, poet Igor Kholin and joined him Alexey Tyapushkin, Sergey Bordachev, Leonid Bazhanov, Victor and Margarita Tupitsyna, Eduard Zelenin, Vladimir Kotlyarov (Tolstoy) - tried openly, without prior censorship, to show their works to everyone. The exhibition, realized outside the walls of the official art halls, was greeted by bulldozers and irrigation machines and entered a significant event in the history of Russian art life. Conceived, according to Oscar Rabin, “as a political challenge to the repressive regime”, as a protest against the regulated rules of Soviet culture, this action entailed significant changes and reforms in Russian radical art life.
The 20th anniversary of this social and artistic event was marked in 1994 by a retrospective exhibition of its participants in the Belyaevo Gallery (at that time, the Dom 100 exhibition hall). The 2014 project, prepared by the curator Vitaly Patsyukov, is distinguished by its reflective character. It emphasizes the social possibilities of creativity, when the free expression of the will of the artist, updating democratic processes, contributes to the improvement of society.
The exposition included not only photo documents of the events of September 15, 1974 and the works of participants - Oscar Rabin, Lidia Masterkova, Borukh Steinberg, Vitaly Komar, Sergey Bordachev, Yuri Zharkikh, Vladimir Nemukhin, Valentin Vorobyov - but also materials related to the history of the journal A “I”, a kind of encyclopedia of unofficial Russian art published in Paris by the artist Igor Shelkovsky from 1979 to 1986. According to the creators, the magazine became “a tool for searching for truth, a place of eternal and insoluble dispute: what is art?” The installed exposition of the archive of the magazine “AZ” includes sculptures and objects by Igor Shelkovsky. A video interview with Oscar Rabin was prepared for the exhibition, in which the artist talks about the details of the historical event of September 15, 1974. At the exhibition, the Institute of Contemporary Art Problems will also present the work of artists of new generations dedicated to this peculiar “gesture of freedom” of the 70s. Within the framework of the project, creative evenings will be held with the participants of the exhibition, a discussion will be held on the topic: “Social forms of art in actual art processes”.
In the opening program:
18.00_Press show with the participation of the exhibition curator Vitaly Patsyukov, artistic director of the State Center for Contemporary Art Leonid Bazhanov, commissioner of the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, director of the Institute of Contemporary Art Problems Joseph Bakshtein and other experts.
19.00_Open art event on the site in front of the gallery, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the "Bulldozer Exhibition". With the participation of a graduate of the MMOMA Open Workshops school, Marina Rudenko, and participants in the Belyaevo Quest. Routes of Moscow Conceptualism
We will be glad to see you among our guests.
The exhibition runs until October 12
Vitaly Vladimirovich Patsyukov - Russian art critic.
Head of the experimental programs department of the National Center for Contemporary Art, curator of numerous NCCA exhibitions, including, in particular, the Festival of Private Collections of Contemporary Art, the international festival “Lucida Space”.
The author of articles on the works of leading contemporary artists of the avant-garde and post-avant-garde flank, including Ilya Kabakov, Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigov, Grisha Bruskin, Oleg Vasiliev, Evgeny Chubarov, Alexander Kharitonov, etc.
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association is a new project of the Moscow Department of Culture aimed at modernizing the activities of cultural organizations.
The Association includes 18 exhibition halls located in 10 districts of Moscow.
The main goal of the Association is to improve the quality of cultural services provided to Muscovites and create a network of exhibition halls as multidisciplinary and multifunctional leisure and educational centers of different districts and districts of Moscow.
The projects and programs of the Association are designed to form a special cultural environment of the city with wide opportunities for professional and amateur creativity; art education and self-education; study and practice in the field of architecture, design, public art; introducing children and youth to various types of fine art and creative leisure; holding exhibitions, festivals, lectures, courses and creative meetings.
The State Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA) is a museum, exhibition and research organization whose activities are aimed at the development of contemporary Russian art in the context of the global art process, the formation and implementation of programs and projects in the field of contemporary art, architecture and design at home and abroad.
Institute of Contemporary Art (IPSI) - was created by a group of artists, art historians and art theorists in 1991 to implement exhibition, research and educational projects in the field of fine art. These projects were to become a platform on which intense discussions would unfold, and an intellectual atmosphere would be formed around the events of the current artistic culture. All the Institute’s initiatives were aimed at solving the problem of reintegrating Russian art into the structures of the international art world, whether it be the participation of domestic artists in important exhibitions in Europe or America, or a demonstration of the most interesting works of foreign authors in Russia.
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